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Muslims are not allowed to draw picyures of living beings like people animals etc

Muslims are not allowed to draw animate objects e.g: Humans, Animals, Pets etc.

The are allowed to draw things with out a soul such as trees, flowers, objects. (Mainly man made things.) If they do so, we (Muslims) believe that on the day of judjement Allah will question us and ask us why we drew them. He will ask us to breathe life into the object and we will NOT be able to! So that is why! Carlotta.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 10y ago

Muslims can not draw humans and animals because they are a creation of Allah. People who draw humans and animals will be punished greatly on The Day of Judgement. You will be asked to bring the living things you drew into life because you tried to copy Allah. "He is Allaah, the Creator, the Inventor of all things, the Bestower of forms. To Him belong the Best Names. All that is in the heavens and the earth glorify Him. And He is the All-Mighty, the All-Wise" [al-Hashr 59:24] so please dont draw living things.

Note that the above is a Sunni view. Shiite see no wrong in drawing human or animal faces.

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βˆ™ 11y ago

In Islam it is considered a sine to draw faces of the prophets and god. They say its a sin because they can not do the work of god so they just cover the faces of prophets with lights i would know i am muslim.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

Unless you have an exact picture of the prophet, you dont know exactly what he looks like, so why try drawing a fake? Let people's imagination run... people who made jesus have blue eyes... seriously? People didnt have blue eyes in that area... There's no need to draw a picture of something that you have no idea of how it looked to be exact. Dont give people false pictures.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

Drawing pictures of any living being is Haram except if it is not human or animal. The Ahadeeth regarding drawing, sculpturing or any similar action (whether by hand, machine or computer) state that these are Haram. The exception to the above is the reflection of the shade of reality for example in the mirror, river or on a photograph, TV, internet etc. (as long as it does not display anything Haram). The origin of images in computer games with 2D or 3D humans or animals could be from drawing or from reflection. If they are from drawing it is Haram (prohibited) to make whereas if they are from reflection it is Halal (permissible) to make. However to control them by moving them and hanging their positions and actions is Haram because it will take the role of drawing.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

Answer 1

They believe only Allah can create or represent people.

Answer 2

In terms of history, Muslims made representations of people (including Mohammed) well into the early period of Islam, usually in images. In the mid-1200s onwards, the doctrine of not drawing Mohammed came to the fore to prevent Mohammed-worship. In the subsequent centuries, drawing people and animals was made illegal in Islam to prevent humans from believing that they were capable of creating living creatures from nothing like God could.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

That's nonsense. Whoever told you that is talking rubbish.

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βˆ™ 4y ago

Muslims can not draw humans and animals because they are a creation of Allah.

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Are Muslims allowed to draw people and animals?

Traditionally, no. There is a Qu'ranic prohibition against drawing people and animals, although this is not so strictly adhered to anymore. Very devout Muslims still will not draw people or animals, less strongly religious people often do.

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They created art without showing humans and animals by turning calligraphy into an art form.

Why don't Muslim draw people or animals?

Some scholars say that it is haram to draw objects with a soul, i.e humans or animals, other scholars say we can draw only parts e.g face, hands... but to be on the safe side its better not to draw at all.

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No, elephants cannot draw in the same way that humans can. While they are intelligent animals, they do not have the fine motor skills required for detailed drawing.

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Muslims are not supposed to draw pictures of people or of animals. From the lighter side; They can draw a crowd, or a bath! _________________________________________________________________ They can draw from the nature: trees, sky, grass, rivers, water falls, homes, plants,... , Quran verses, good quotes, ... They can draw people and animals as in caricatures.

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A cartoonist needs to know how to draw people and animals in a cartoon version. If you want to be a cartoonist, I suggest taking art lessons to understand how to draw the basic shapes of humans and animals, otherwise, you would be a bad cartoonist if you don't understand how to draw these!

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Muslims are prohibited to draw people or animals as it was said by the Holy Prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h). It was said that by drawing animals or humans, you are doing shirk which means believing in someone other than Allah. It is also said that on the day of judgment one will have to put life in their art of humans or animals they drew which is impossible.

How do you draw humans?

draw the head, then torso, then limbs