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I don't think there is such a thing as a "non-conducting metal". All metals are good conductors.

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Q: Why can't a non conducting material be charged easily by rubbing?
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Which material get easily charged by rubbing and what such material is called?

Materials such as rubber, glass, and plastic can get easily charged by rubbing. These materials are called insulators or non-conductors.

Why static electricity is not produced on rubbing conducting surfaces?

When conducting surfaces rub against each other, free electrons are readily exchanged between the surfaces, preventing the buildup of excess charge that causes static electricity. Conducting materials allow electrons to flow easily, neutralizing any charge imbalances created during the rubbing process and preventing the development of static electricity.

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When an acetate strip is charged by rubbing, it acquires a negative charge. This is because acetate is a type of material that tends to lose electrons easily when rubbed, causing it to become negatively charged.

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Is quartz a conducting material or insulator?

Quartz is considered an insulating material because it does not conduct electricity well. It is a dielectric material with high resistivity, which means it does not allow the flow of electric current easily.

What is a material through which negatively charged particles flow easily?

A material through which negatively charged particles flow easily is called a conductor. Conductor materials have a large number of free electrons that are able to move within the material, allowing the easy flow of electric current. Examples of good conductors include metals like copper, aluminum, and silver.

Is a conductor a material that does not easily give up or take on electrons?

A conductor is a material that easily allows the flow of electrons, making it a good medium for conducting electricity. It does not hold onto electrons tightly, allowing them to move freely within the material, unlike insulators which resist the flow of electrons.

What is a material that electricity travels through easily?

Copper is a common material that electricity travels through easily due to its high electrical conductivity. Silver is even better than copper at conducting electricity, but it is less commonly used due to its higher cost.

Which charge particles in the atom would be easily transferred from one material to another like when you rub a plastic comb with a piece of silk?

Electrons are the charge particles that are easily transferred from one material to another when objects are rubbed together. This process results in one material becoming positively charged and the other becoming negatively charged due to the transfer of electrons.

Why an conductor cannot be be charged by rubbing?

A conductor cannot be charged by rubbing because charges in a conductor are free to move around and redistribute themselves, canceling out any excess charge that may have been transferred. Additionally, conductors have no tendency to hold on to excess charge due to their ability to easily flow and neutralize any charge imbalance.

What are metals conducting in nature?

Metals are conducting in nature because they have plenty of free electrons that can move freely throughout the material. These delocalized electrons can carry electric current due to their ability to flow easily in response to an electric field.

Why does the resistance of a semi conducting material decrease when the temperature increase?

because when temperature it the motion of eletron and that's why current can easily through it so resistance decreases.