There is no law that says they do. It is a matter of comfort-- many men 'go commando'. Some have a greater need for support of the genitals, and even this may depend on the activities they engage in
Bacteria comes out when you fart and you might drip urine after you peed so unless you want to change jeans every day, wear underwear. It's the clean way.
No one "has" to wear underwear if they do not want to. Good reasons for wearing underwear include:
- keeping outer garments cleaner longer
- protection or support
- improving shape/drape of outer garments
- creating the impression of a larger penis
- creating a means of hiding inappropriate erections
Probably for two simple reasons... 1) Their mothers buy their clothes, including their underpants so they wear them out of habit. 2) Hygiene is probably the most important reason. Underpants absorb sweat, stray drops of urine & semen. Perhaps most important of all, they also prevent "skid marks" on the insides of your trousers.
Boys need support down there too, especially around my age (13). It's not like girls who just wear underwear to cover themselves - we'd go crazy if we didn't have something to stop all that bouncing and jiggling! (Even so it drives you round the twist sometimes, especially in gym class. Grr, frustrating!)
It could be a fetish, if he masturbates while wearing them or uses them in some way to sexually excite himself. Or, he might simply feel nostaligic about them, if they were his own. Or he might simply collect them, after all people collect things like matchboxes, T-shirts and stamps so why not boys underpants? Perhaps he just likes the pictures on them of batman, spiderman and the like? I guess the real issue is does he like the underpants or the thought of who once wore them?
does boys have sperm in their underwear
no. girls do it to
Oh, dude, that's a classic mix-up! Boys typically wear boxers or briefs under their pants, not traditional Indian clothing like salwar. Unless they're going for a really avant-garde fashion statement, then hey, why not? But yeah, underwear under salwar is not the usual combo.
Answerwhen i have my singlet on i were boys/men under-armer or a sports brawl even if it is a singlet made for girls because boys/men will pull it downloveskylar white
Boys wear boxers because that's their underwear. Just like girls wear knickers, boys wear boxers.
Yes. The Rowdyruff Boys do wear converse.
What did boys wear in the 80's
About 3 inches under the belly button or even more if you want
For girls, only a bra. No underwear because it will show under you leotard. For boys, underwear thatis it under tights Leo and shorts
Boys SHOULD like for who you are but boys being boys would like girls to wear skirts because if the skirt looks good on you boys are gonna pray to trip and have a look under your skirt so go for the skirt its sexi and they love it when you try to look and be sexy. xD
Boys wore knee length pants called Knickerbocker's, long black socks and boots. On their heads there was always a hat. Boys under the age of 4 wore dresses.
In general, boys don't wear lip gloss because it is not culturally accepted in most places. Some boys do wear lip gloss, especially boys in entertainment.