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because people kept on having sex like me and they produced babies. -Jacobi
because more and more babys get born

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Q: Why are there so many people in the world?
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so that there wont be many people dying in the world and so that there will be world peace in the world for every one

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he has enspired so many people to travelaround the world!

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Alot of people like each other because their are so many people out in the world

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Because irrational questions are answered by cynical people.

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there are so many players on habbo because of the popularity of the game around the world.

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The answer is that they do.

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There is no real way to tell because there are so many.

How many unwrapped presents are in the world at any given time?

Well, Just think how many people are in the world ALOT right so half of the people are buying things.

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About 1 in every 200 people has epilepsy. So based on a world population of about 7 billion people, that would be about 35 million.

How people are there in the world in the world?

how many people are there in the world

How many people in the world own blackberry's?

There many people in the world that have blackberrys. People love them! I'm getting one on Friday in fact, hehehehe i am so excited:$, Sorry i am blushing!<3<3<3