Planes are not necessarily better than cars - they provide a totally different function.
Jet planes can be of many types and some perform better than piston planes.
there is more registered cars in Alaska. but the number or huskies more than quadruples the number of cars
i agree, but there is more. One is that planes don't have to go around buildings, mountains, etc.
yes, some very big planes can hold cars.
yes trucks are better than because cars you can do a lot more with a truck than you can with cars
If electric cars are charged using renewable energy then they are better than hybrid cars, because hybrids still burn some fossil fuels. However, electric cars charged with fossil fuel energy would not be better than hybrid cars.
Well, more useful than a what? I would assume you mean a car or train or something akin to that, so here is my answer. Planes are usually a lot faster than cars and most trains, so that is one thing. Another is that there is very rarely traffic in the skies like there is on a major highway at 4pm. However, planes are usually only faster for long term travels. For example, it would be faster in a car from Paris to Berlin than in a plane. Also, I would wager that planes probably are in a long term sense, more efficient that cars considering the plane takes more than one person. Overall, I think planes are better than cars, although only very wealthy people have personal jets and whatnot, so I would say cars for practical use, and planes for official and vacation use (through an airline company, or course).
i would say that ships planes and cars have been manufactured better
less pollution
Planes travel faster than cars because they operate in the less dense medium of air, which offers lower resistance compared to the friction that cars experience on roads. Additionally, planes are designed with powerful engines that enable them to achieve higher speeds than cars. The higher speeds of planes also allow for more efficient long-distance travel.