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They only USE one lung, but they have two.

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11y ago
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8mo ago

Frogs have a highly efficient respiratory system that allows them to absorb oxygen through their skin and utilize their buccal pumping mechanism to circulate air through their lungs. This combination of adaptations allows frogs to thrive despite having relatively small lungs.

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13y ago

Snakes have them to breath.DUH!Same with all but one frog know as the lungless frog.

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14y ago

this is because they are cold blooded and do not need as much oxygen to live with there slow metabolism. also they can hold some oxygen is there aw some skin.

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7y ago

Whens frogs are out of water, they use a mucous excreted from the skin to keep their skin moist, this mucous also absorbs oxygen directly into the bloodstream.

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11y ago

Frogs are coldblooded and have a slow metabolism which reduces the need for oxygen. Frogs also can absorb oxygen through their skin.

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Q: Why are frogs able to function with small lungs?
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Does the frog's small lungs affect the frog's ability to take in oxygen?

No, despite having small lungs, frogs have highly efficient respiratory systems that allow them to absorb oxygen effectively. Frogs also have the ability to breathe through their skin, which helps supplement their lung function.

Why do lungs have to carry out their function properly?

why is it important that the lungs are able to carry out their function properly?

Why is it necessary for a frog to be able to breathe through its lungs?

It is neccesarily because frogs are amphibians and therefore to be on land they need lungs to breathe

What is definition of frog's lungs?

A frogs lung helps it breath without it it could not be able to breath

How do frogs ventilate their lungs?

Frogs breathe just like humans, taking in air through their mouths and exhaling it. They are also able to breathe through their skin.

What is the interior of the frogs lungs?

it is 23

Why is it important that the lungs are able to carry out their function properly?

because we need to breath to survive

How are frogs able to live on land?

frogs can only live on land if they are wet, all animals from this catagory do this. However, frogs cant survive on land if they are dry. They way frogs breath is much different from most animals,frogs not only breath through lungs, but also through their skin. Frogs can only breath when wet.

What does a lungs do?

Frogs are amphibians. Meaning that they have an aquatic early stage (e.g. Tadpole). A tadpole relies mainly on gills to breath, until it undergoes metamorphosis, loses its gills, and gains lungs. Adult frogs rely mainly on lungs to breathe air, and are also able to breathe through their skin both above water and underwater.

Do salamanders eat frogs?

Salamanders eat frogs, mosquito eggs, small fish and tadpoles. They are able to get their food by out swimming them and then catch them with their wide mouths.

Do frogs grow up in land or water?

Tadpoles (immature frogs) have to live in water, as they breath using gills. Once developed into a frog, and able to breath air using internal lungs, they become amphibious and able to live both in water and out on the land. Frogs will leap back into the water if disturbed, but spend most time in damp places under rocks.

What does a frog's lung do?

Frogs are amphibians. Meaning that they have an aquatic early stage (e.g. Tadpole). A tadpole relies mainly on gills to breath, until it undergoes metamorphosis, loses its gills, and gains lungs. Adult frogs rely mainly on lungs to breathe air, and are also able to breathe through their skin both above water and underwater.