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for a new life in christ

It is not the candle that is the symbol but the light that it gives off. This light represents the Light of Christ. A Knowledge of Christ if you like. Remember the Lords said do not hide your light under a bushel, but let it so shine so that others might see that you are a believer in Christ. (Paraphrased).

and this is because baptism is usually held in a sboo

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Roman Catholic Answerextracted from Modern Catholic Dictionary by John A. Hardon, S.J. Doubleday & Co., Inc. Garden City, NY 1980

Candles are a sacramental used in the Church's liturgy. They are an emblem of God, the giver of life and enlightment. They represent Christ's spotless body, the flame a figure of the Divine Nature. Candles are required at the public administration of all the sacraments and at other Church ceremonies.

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Q: Why is a candle a symbol of baptism?
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What does the candle mean in the rite of baptism?

Baptism is a Christian tradition and the baptism candle has a long history. Light is an important symbol within Christianity and the baptism candle represents the movement from death to life in Christ, who is also known as the 'light of the world." Baptism is the way in which the Church welcomes a child into the community of faith.

Is there a major symbol for Catholic Baptism?

Roman Catholic AnswerThere are several symbols for Catholic Baptism: water, oils, a shell, a white garment, a candle.

What is the name of the candle in baptism?

at baptism we use a candle called a baptismal candle Hope I Helped You :)

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=== === === ===No it is not the symbol of Baptism!

Do you have a baptism candle when immersion in the Jewish faith?

Jews do not have baptism. It is a Christian observance.

Why is the candle used in the Protestant sacrament of baptism?

In Protestant churches where infant baptism is practiced, a candle represents the light of Christ entering the world through the newly baptized.

What is the one sybol for baptism?

A symbol of baptism is water.

What is the symbol of the holy spirit that is used in baptism?

The Dove is the symbol of the Holy Spirit that is used in baptism.

What do you do with the baptismal candle afterwards?

It was a wide-spread practice among Catholic population that the parents themselves provide the candle which the priest will use in the ceremony of Baptism. According to the Ritual this candle is lit and handed to the sponsor (god parent) to hold while the priest addresses the following words to the child:Receive this lighted candle, and keep your Baptism above reproach. Keep the commandments of God, so that when the Lord comes to His marriage feast, you may meet Him in the halls of heaven with all His saints, and may live with Him forever. Amen. It certainly is in keeping with the spirit of the liturgy of Baptism for the baptized person to retain this candle as a cherished symbol of his spiritual birth.

What are the symbols of initiation into baptism?

they are water, oil, colour - white, light/candle and words said during the rite of baptism.

Who provides the baptism candle?

Customarily it would be the godparents responsibility to provide the candle. However, in practice, the Church provides the candles.