they are not endangered, but if there were it would be because we eat them all the time!
i say lima beans, then butter beans. lima beans, Castro beans, and green beans
it is not endangered
Jelly beans, gorilla beas, porquipine beans, bee beans, orange beans, baked beans (only heinz of course), lorax beans, cupcake beans, roasted beans, poached beans, pig beans, scabby beans, beacon beans, boat beans, beard beans (baked beans dipped in the cowboy's closest friend's beard), armadillo beans and ben beans (invented by famous cowboy ben pratchett). Hope this helps! :-)
Mongooses are not endangered.
No, opossum are not endangered
Moose are not an endangered species
Fish that are not yet endangered, are not endangered.
A crock of beans, a pot of beans, a bowl of beans, a serving of beans.
The endangered species are (in order of most endangered) 1.Black Rhino2.Giant Panda3.Tiger4.Beluga Sturgeon5.Goldenseal6.Alligator Snapping Turtle7.Hawksbill Turtle8.Big Leaf Mahogany9.Green-Cheeked Parrot10.Mako Shark
Endangered Species
Collective nouns for beans are a hill of beans or a can of beans.
The emperor penguin is not endangered.