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Antibiotics damage the cell wall of living organism leading to its death. The viruses do not have a cell wall. Antibiotics are produced by bacteria and fungi that treat bacterial infections, not viral infections because viruses use host cells to perform their activities. So, they cannot kill viruses. That's why antibiotics are not effective for viral diseases.

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βˆ™ 2y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

Antibiotics are not used to cure viral diseases because they cannot kill or weaken viruses.

Antibiotics work by killing or weakening bacteria (by inhibiting metabolic activity, destroying cell walls, etc.) and leaving your own cells alone

Viruses are essentially traveling genetic material that get inside your body cells and use the cell machinery to make more virus DNA so more cells can be infected. Since antibiotics work by leaving your own cells alone (and viruses like to be inside your cells), antibiotics cannot be used against them.

Antiviral medications, which are different than antibiotics, are sometimes used to treat viral infections by preventing them from replicating, etc.

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βˆ™ 11y ago

Antibiotics are ineffective in this case because they fight bacteria, not viruses. Taking antibiotics for a viral infection can lead to an antibiotic resistant infection that is harder to treat, as well as other harmful side effects. The rate of drug resistant infections is on the rise in hospitals, so please resist the urge!

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βˆ™ 16y ago

Antibiotics kill bacteria but not viruses.

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βˆ™ 11y ago

Because Viruses are not bacteria. Antibiotics are only effective against bacteria.

Antivirals target viruses.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

antibiotics are not used as they are ineffective against viruses. A virus invades a host cell while bacteria locate themselves on or in the body and can be targeted and killed.

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βˆ™ 11y ago

doesn't affect viruses

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βˆ™ 12y ago

pata nahi

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Q: Why are antibiotics not used on viral infections?
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Why antibiotics could not kill the virus?

Antibiotics are used to fight bacterial infections not viral infections.

Why don't antibiotics affect virus?

Because antibiotics are designed to fight bacterial infections, whereas antivirals are used to combat viral infections.

Antibiotics are used to treat what?

Antibiotics are used to treat bacterial infections such as chlamydia, gonorrhea and syphilis. Antibiotics cannot treat viral infections such as HPV, herpes and HIV.

What are not effective treatments for viral infections?

Antibiotics are not effective for treating viral infections because antibiotics target bacterial infections. Other treatments like antiviral medications may be necessary for managing viral infections. Home remedies like herbal supplements or essential oils have not been scientifically proven to effectively treat viral infections.

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What antibiotic is commonly used to treat viral infections?

There are no antibiotics that are effective against viruses. In fact, they should never be used unless a secondary bacterial infection is present and this is best determined by culturing the drainage, whether it is from the nose, throat, blood, or sputum. Because some Dr.'s have overprescribed antibiotics, many of the common bacteria have developed resistance.

Antibiotics are used to treat viral infections like the flu True or False?

Antibiotics kill bacteria. Antivirals kill viruses. However, a patient with a viral infection might sometimes be given antibiotics to reduce the work the patient's defenses have to do or to stop opportunistic infections.

What is used to fight viral infections?

Usually nothing. Antibiotics won't help it has to run its course.

When antibiotics are not used Why are bacterial infections frequently more persistent than viral infections?

Only if it is a pie from space and it is green and yellow!

What type of illness can be treated with antibiotics?

Only bacterial infections they are not effective for viral infections.

Why do antibiotics do not help teat viral infections?

Antibiotics treat bacterial infections, they have no affect on viruses. Vaccinations treat viruses.

Which can be cured virus or bacteria?

Antibiotics can cure almost all bacterial infections. There are a few drugs that can treat viral infections. Many viral infections can be prevented by vaccinations. Many viral infections do not have a cure.