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In ecosystem ecology we put all organisms together and, insofar as we can, we try to understand how the system operates as a whole. This means that, rather than worrying mainly about particular species, we try to focus on major functional aspects of the system. These functional aspectsinclude such things as the amount of energy that is produced by photosynthesis, how energy or materials flow along the many steps in a food chain, or what controls the rate of decomposition of materials or the rate at which nutrients are recycled in the system.

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12y ago
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3mo ago

Animals play essential roles in ecosystems such as pollination, seed dispersal, and nutrient recycling. They help maintain the balance of species within an ecosystem and contribute to its overall health and stability. Additionally, animals are often indicators of ecosystem health, with changes in their populations reflecting larger environmental changes.

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13y ago

well they're all part of the food chain because well we eat lamb and beef and we need the meats for iron and other animals eat other animals like owls eat snakes and lions eat antelopes. If lions didn't eat antelopes antelopes would be galloping around our cities and the world would be full of them.

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9y ago

Animals are important to the ecosystem because they provide nutrients for other animals and they also are a logical part of the food chain.

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13y ago

because all of the animals are important to the earth so knw u have the ecosystem

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9y ago

They help us live

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An important relationship in all ecosystems is the one between plants and animals. Plants provide food and oxygen for animals through photosynthesis, while animals help plants with pollination and seed dispersal. This mutual dependency is crucial for the overall health and stability of ecosystems.

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How do you explain ecosystems to a grade 3-4 level?

Ecosystems are like big communities of plants and animals that live and interact together in a shared environment. Each living thing in an ecosystem has a role to play, like plants making oxygen for animals to breathe, and animals spreading seeds for plants to grow. It's important to keep ecosystems balanced and healthy so that all living things can thrive.

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organic matter important to plant growth is humus.

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How are people affecting ecosystems?

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