

Why does this turn me off about my girlfriend?

Updated: 7/31/2024

She seems as if she’s this super confident woman, but she recently told me about her past. She was never popular and people were always abusing her. She was bullied and always picked on. She said she doesn’t really tell many people about this because she’s embarrassed. I fell in love with her for the person she is, but now I just don’t see her like that anymore. I feel as if the person she has become is just a facade and that if I marry her I’m going to see things about her that turn me off. How can I get passed this?

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Mark Abel

Lvl 2
1mo ago

Best Answer

Stop being a total tw@t and realize that you have a perfect woman. Someone who has been weathered by their past means that they are compassionate and kind. The woman you fell for is really her, this is her now. It took going through what she did to be able to become so confident and dynamic. Either leave her now instead of later, because as I said you sound like a real tw@t, or shut your mouth, give her a huge hug, tell her how strong she is and amazing.

jesus man, do you want her to judge you on the personality you had at the same younger age? I doubt it.

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Josephine Celt

Lvl 2
1mo ago
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