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Cats often choose to sleep on their owner's lap because they feel safe, comfortable, and bonded to their owner. The warmth and closeness of being on your lap can provide a sense of security and relaxation for your cat.

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Q: Why does my cat always choose to sleep on my lap?
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How do you make a kitten go to sleep in your lap?

If you love the kitten enough then it might sit on your lap. It's all a matter of likes and dislikes. Just love you kitten it will get use to you sometime. I have a cat who doesn't want to sit on my lap he sits on one person lap. It's all a matter of likes and dislikes.

How do you no if a cat feels neglected?

theres no real way to tell but if your cat just looks plain sad maybe you should pet it or let it go to sleep in your lap more often just if you think it feels neglected

How do you make cat listen?

Cats aren't dogs. You cannot particularly 'make a cat listen'. It depends on whether your cat is a curious kitten or a lazy lap pet. It also depends on how the cat feels. If your cat is tired, the cat won't pay much attention to you as it will to finding a safe place to sleep. If your cat doesn't feel like listening to you, or is preoccupied with sleeping, eating, or just lying around in a sunny spot, your cat will most likely ignore you. This isn't to say cats are always lazy. You'll have to catch your cat in a willing mood to get it to listen to you.

What should you do for your cat to love you?

If you want your cat to love you make sure you give it special love. Cats like to be talked to in soothing voice and if your cat likes to get on your lap invite it on your lap when you are watching tv and then pet him/her. For general care, always make sure the litter box is tended to and never let your cat run out of water. Feed him/her daily and every now and then use a toy to help your cat get his/her oats out.

Why was phar lap killed or put to sleep?

He haemorrhaged

Do Domestic Short Haired cats make good lap cats?

Any cat could be a good lap cat.It depends how much a cat likes you.

What episode does ikuto sleep on amu's lap?

Episode 26

You run but cannot walk you sleep but have no bed?

My lap top computer runs and if I do not do anything to it, it will go to sleep.

How can you take a poem and put it on your lap?

Its a cat what a strange poem