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Q: Whose famile was stoned and burned for taking of the accursed thing?
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When methanol is burned is it a chemical change?

yes, because it is combusting and providing energy. also when something is burned that is a sign of a chemical reaction taking place

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To renew yourself so you don't become burned out

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IT depends on what you mean. Taking them for medical purposes will relives headaches or other bodily aches. Snorting, may cause los of balance, and may get you stoned. I've never done it myself, but I'm going to;)

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Sherman believed in total war and burned the city to the ground. As he moved through the south he left a path of destruction and burned ruins.

What type of conversion is taking place when natural gas is burned to heat water?

The conversion taking place is from chemical energy in natural gas to thermal energy during combustion. This thermal energy then heats the water contained in a boiler or water heater.

Whose family was stoned and burned for taking of the accursed thing?

When the Israelites crossed the Jordan, God explicitly commanded that the firstfruits of the conquest, the city of Jericho, "must become a thing devoted to destruction; . . . it belongs to Yahweh." Its silver and gold were to be given to the treasury of Yahweh. (Jos 6:17, 19) Achan, however, upon finding a costly garment from Shinar and a 50-shekel gold bar (worth some $6,400) and 200 silver shekels ($440), secretly buried them beneath his tent. (Jos 7:21) Actually he had robbed God! Because of this violation of Yahweh's explicit instructions, when the next city, Ai, was attacked God withheld his blessing, and Israel was put to flight. Who was guilty? No one confessed. All Israel was then put on trial. Tribe by tribe, then family by family of the tribe of Judah, and finally, man by man of the house of Zabdi, they passed before God until Achan "got to be picked." (Jos 7:4-18) Only then did he admit his sin. Execution quickly followed. Achan, his family (who could hardly have been ignorant of what he had done), and his livestock were first stoned to death, and then burned with fire, together with all his possessions, in the Valley of Achor, meaning "Ostracism; Trouble."-Jos 7:19-26.

How do you remedy hair burned by a straightener?

If you hair was burned off there is not much you can do to get it back instead of taking special care of that part and making sure you moisturize it. In the future make sure to ALWAYS use a heat protectant before straightening you hair.

What is involved in a skin graft?

A skin graft involves taking a piece of skin from an unburned portion of the patient's body (autograft) and transplanting it to the burned area.

Why am I not losing weight after running?

You have to run enough to burn what you are taking in. That equation is the same for everyone, even if they have the best genes. Calories in must be less than calories burned to lose weight.

What remained of Joan of Arc after burning at the stake?

Nothing was left. In fact, her ashes were burned a second and third time to make sure of that. Then her ashes were dumped into the Seine River to prevent people from taking relics.

What will Joan of Arc be remembered for?

She will be remembered for taking charge of the French army and turning the tide of the Hundred Years War in favor of the French. She will be remembered for being taken prisoner by the British and being burned at the stake by them as a heretic.