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Abu Al-Rayhan Muhammed Ibn Ahmad Al-Biruni

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12y ago
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11mo ago

The book Kitab al-Hind was written by the 9th-century Muslim scholar Al-Biruni. It is a comprehensive work on India and its culture, geography, and history.

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11y ago

Al-Biruni wrote the given book Kitab-Al-Hind in 11th century in Turkish. He was sent by Mahmud of Ghori.

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13y ago

Ibn batuta, the great moroccan traveller

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What are the general contents of albairunis book kitab-ul-hind?

general contents of al biruni's famous book kitab-ul-hind are geography,astronomy,arithmetic.

What are contents of kitab-ul-hind?

"Kitab-ul-hind" refers to a book or treatise on India. The content of such a book would typically cover the history, culture, geography, and society of India. It may also discuss aspects of Indian politics, economics, religion, and other relevant topics.

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Which early 11th century traveler to India authored the books 'Tahqiq-i-Hind' and 'Kitab-ul-Hind'?

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Who wrote kitab ul ibarat?

Al-Farabi wrote the Works of Logic in Arabic, following the style of Aristotle. The Kitab ul ibarat is the volume dealing with hermaneutics (interpretation of texts).

Who is the writer of book kitab-ul-astarlab?

al beruni was the write of kitab ul ansar