There have been quite a few different constitutions written in France. The old French Kingdom was overthrown in1789 during the French Revolution, and the First Republic of France was declared in 1792 when King Louis XVI was executed. But that was overthrown by Napoleon Bonaparte. He created the First French Empire 1804-14. the Second Republic was declared in 1848 which lasted until 1852 when the Second Empire was created under Napoleon III. He was forced to abdicate after France was defeated in the Franco-Prussian War 1870-1 when the Third Republic was established in 1870 which lasted until 1940 when France was invaded and occupied by Hitler's German forces. France was liberated by the allies in 1945. The Fourth French Republic was proclaimed in 1946 but ended in 1958 due to the Algerian war when a new Constitution was adopted in 1958 proclaiming the Fifth French Republic.
The text was drafted by Michel Debré, while Charles de Gaulle was the main driving force in introducing the new constitution.
William Penn, wrote the Pennsylvania constitution back when America was the thirteen colonies.
thomas Jefferson wrote the first constitution
Yes, France's new constitution did apply to its overseas colonies.
James Buchanan
Madison, wrote the Virginia Plan, the basis for the U.S. Constitution, he wrote 29 of the 85 Federalsit papers, political-advertisement for the Constitution,and he wrote the Bill of Rights, which protects our rights.
Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence. He was in France when they wrote the Constitution. When he came back he was the main force behind the Bill of Rights
Prince Dimitry of Russia wrote the constitution.
Who wrote the Constitution of the United states
Jacob Shallus hand wrote the U.S. Constitution.
Jacob Shallus hand wrote the U.S. Constitution.
wrote the Constitution
It ended the monarchy, made France a republic and wrote another new constitution.
he wrote the constitution
people of Wisconsin that wrote it
What was the purpose of the Electoral College when the Framers wrote the Constitution?
William Penn, wrote the Pennsylvania constitution back when America was the thirteen colonies.
William Penn wrote Pennsylvania's first constitution.