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Q: Who wrote a petition to king George declaring parliament couldn't pass laws on the colonist without representation by colonist?
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How did the English king react to colonist petition about the sugar and the stamp act?

The petition worked, but in 1766 Parliament passed the Declaratory Act, which said Parliament had total control over the colonies.

How did the English king react to the colonist petition about the sugar and stamp act?

The petition worked, but in 1766 Parliament passed the Declaratory Act, which said Parliament had total control over the colonies.

What document did the second continental congress send to King George III to reaffirm colonist allegiance to him but not to parliament?

The Olive Branch Petition

Which document did the second congress send King George III to reaffirm colonist allegiance to him but not to parliament?

The Olive Branch Petition was the document sent to George III.

Which document did the second Continental congress send to King George III to reaffirm colonist's allegiance to him but not to Parliament?

The Olive Branch Petition was the document sent to George III.

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The English King reacted to the colonists petition about the Sugar Act and Stamp Act by repealing the Stamp Act. Ben Franklin went and argued in front of English Parliament warning of a revolution.

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Parliament presented Charles I with the Petition of Rights because they objected to his actions.

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What is a written request to parliament?

A Petition.

The colonist expressed their desire for peace in the?

Olive Branch Petition

The colonist expressed their desire peace in the?

Olive Branch Petition