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Ronald McDonald would come back from the naughty side of mcdonalds and come inside to find a cup of red spirm. he would go over to it to drink it when the kool-aids man would burest into the room through his wall and ytackle him but rnald McDonald would jump into the ball pit (which he uses to ubduct children) and kool-aids man would fallow where the sex craved childre mostly todlers and rape him and he would get aids and die so 1 up for sex craved todlers

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Q: Who would win in a fight Ronald McDonald or Burger King man?
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Would Ronald McDonald or the Burger King win?

burger king fa shoooooooooooooooo

Which do you think is better Burger King's Burger King or McDonald's Ronald McDonald?

Ronald would win because he has the advantage of not wearing a big mask that messes up his peripheral vision. The Kings Head is also very big making it hard to stay balanced!! the king would lose due to his unproperly proportioned body

Would kool aid man or Ronald McDonald win in a fight?

i have to say the kool aid man. kool aid man all the way

When did Ronald McDonald first appear?

Ronald McDonald is just a mascot.Dick and Mac McDonald opened the first restaurant in San Bernardino, California in 1940

What would happen if a McDonald's burger was left out for 10 years?

If a McDonald's burger was left out for 10 years, it would likely become dried out, moldy, and decomposed. The bread and meat would lose moisture and break down, while mold and bacteria would likely grow on the surface. Overall, the burger would not be safe to eat and would be inedible.

Which of these unique burgers would you be able to order in a Japanese McDonald's?

Chicken-Tatuta Burger

What does Ronald McDonald's feces look like?

Ronald McDonald's feces would look the same as everyone else's. He is just an ordinary person dressed as a clown mascot. Being in costume does not change biology.

Is paying to stay at a Ronald McDonald house tax deductible?

I can't think of any way that paying the small amount that you pay to stay at a Ronald McDonald house would ever be tax deductible. Sorry.

What specific restaurants would you go to for a cheap date?

McDonald's KFC Taco Bell Burger King Denny's

Whick is healther mcdoalds or Burger King?

Well i say neither. But Burger Kings burgers are better than McDonalds and McDonalds french fries are better than Burger Kings.Burger King toys are better than McDonaldsBurger King keeps on stealing ideas from McDonalds.

Who was the establisher of Ronald McDonald house?

I think by establisher you mean founder...? and by that the answer would be, John and Joan Canuso.

What is an compare and contrast essay?

A compare and contrast essay is an essay that discusses the similarities and differences (or pros and cons) between two subjects. An essay written about the prices of a McDonald's burger and a Burger King burger would be an example.