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That is an ethnic slur and will not be considered for response on WikiAnswers.

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Q: Who were the gooks?
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What was a soldier called in Korea?

gooks or zipperheads

Was it right to wipe out people in Vietnam?

yes. the gooks deserved everything they got

Where did the term grunts originate from?

When a couple of gooks tongue punched eachothers fart holes.

What is the primary goal of Operation Rolling Thunder?

kill some gooks and commy bastar*S

Why SHOULD debt relief be given to poor countries?

To reduce the number of gooks and spooks getting in to our country

What is Walter kowalski sick of in gran torino?

He is sick of the gooks that have taken over his neighborhood. (^Best answer ever)

What did the American soldiers call the north Koreans?

American soldiers referred to North Koreans as "gooks" during the Korean War, which is a derogatory term.

Why were Vietnamese called gooks?

One GI in Vietnam stated that it was a corrupt pronunciation of the Korean word for "foreigner", and GIs had been called that term during the Korean GIs adopted the usage.

How did the Boston Cream Pie get its name?

One of the more likely theories is that cookware-deprived colonists used shallow "pie" tins for cakes as well as pies and didn't get too fussy about what they called the resulting dishes!

Reasons in favor of annexation of the Philippines?

Supporters of annexation of the Philippines believed it would provide economic opportunities for American businesses, increase U.S. influence in Asia, and promote American values such as democracy and Christianity in the region. Additionally, annexation was seen as a way to protect American interests and ensure stability in the region.

What rhymes with booked?

Words that rhyme with book are:brookcooklookshookhookcrookundercookovercookretookrebookschnookforsooknookgooktookmistookprecookunhookrookHmmm Book,Hook,Cook,Look,Nook,Rook,TookLook took crook cook nook it uplook, cook, shook, took, hook,hook,cook,rook

How does a fragile pink sea urchins metabolism work?

well, this requires a detailed account of when i served in nam, we used urchins as a substitute for grenades, this is why we lost. theory decreed that the urchin would eat the gooks faces and therefore win us the war. it turns out that the urchins could not eat fast enough or they were on the side of the vietcong. now, scientists discovered that the way the urchins metabolism works is by manipulating the time and space of their surroundings by using kryptonite. sadly no kryptonite was available in Vietnam. i remember my dear friend Johnson using his urchin grenade as a pillow because his was riddled with herpes, he woke up dead without a face, it rained for 31 days and 6 night. i think god was pissed, or just bored. anyway, i hope this answers your questionne bbz xoxo