The head of Australia is the Prime Minister. Australia doesn't have a president.
The first female Prime Minister of Australia is JuliaGillard.
Yes. In 2010, Australia's first female Prime Minister, Julia Gillard, was elected.
The first female prime minister of Australia, Julia Eileen Guillard, became the prime minister on 2010 June 24.
Australia has a Prime Minister, not a president. Australia is a Constitutional Monarchy, not a Republic. In 2011, Australia's Prime Minister is Julia Gillard and the Deputy Prime Minister is Wayne Swan.
Yes, Australia got its first female Prime Minister on the 24th June 2010. The Hon, Madam Prime Minister, Julia Gillard will face an election on the 21st of August.No, no woman has ever been the Prime Minister of Australia.
Kevin Rudd was Prime Minister of Australia in 2009.
Julia Gilard as she is the prime minister.
Julia Eileen Gillard
Australia's government is led by the Prime Minister. Australia does not have a president.
The current Prime Minister of Australia is Ms Julia Gillard and the Deputy Prime Minister is Mr Wayne Swan.
Australia has had 32 prime ministers as of 2011. 31 men and one woman have held the office of Prime Minister at some stage, but several of them have held office more than once, serving after a break. Therefore, there have been 27 different people who served as Prime Minister. Julia Gillard is the 32nd Prime Minister, but the 27th different Prime Minister.
No she was not the first lady prime minister of a country, Golda Meir and even Indira Gandhi were before her.
wat was the name of the 7th prime minister of australia