With the British blockade, it became hard to get supplies to soldiers, as well as many other issues that were made hard for Germany. So they developed a devastating new weapon that they called "u-boats". These were armed with devastating torpedoes which could destroy neutral shipping and passenger liners. In a twist, something that made militaristic sense contributed to there own loss, since the American citizens and ships affected by this type of warfare, along with the Zimmerman tellegram, persuaded them to join the war.
Germany practiced unrestricted submarine warfare.
Unrestricted Submarine Warfare.
Germany's return to unrestricted submarine warfare.
The renewal of unrestricted German submarine warfare had devastating effects on shipping in 1917. In terms of tonnage, the Germans sank 540,000 tons in February 1917, 578,000 in March and 874,000 tons in April. Anti-submarine measures by the Allies, however, began to reduce this calamity.
Unrestricted submarine warfare (in the Atlantic).
unrestricted submarine warfare
Germany's unrestricted submarine warfare
it was Germany.
unrestricted submarine warfare
Germany's submarine warfare was unrestricted. These attacks led to World War I.
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Help end the British blockade
Germany practiced unrestricted submarine warfare.
it referred to sinking ships
To get the blockade lifted.
Unrestricted Submarine Warfare.
American enterance into WWI.