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Q: Who was crushed to death in salem witch trial?
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What was the name of the man in Salem witch trial that his head was crushed to death?

I'm assuming that you're asking about Giles Corey, who was pressed to death when he refused to plead in court.

Where was the Salem witch trial held in?

the Salem Witch trials were held in various locations dotted all over the USA from 1692-1693. The Salem Witch trials is the shortest Witch trial to be recorded in history.

How does the Salem witch trial relate to The Crucible?

The Crucible is a fictional work ABOUT the Salem Witch Trials.

When the Salem Witch Trial happen?

1692 and 1693 in Salem Ma

When was the Salem Witch Trial over?


When did the Salem witches trial end?

The last of the Salem Witch trials ended in may 1693

Where was Salem witchcraft trial?

The Salem Witch Trials took place in Salem Massachusettes, in what is now the USA.

What is a Salem witch?

A famous witch trial in which 19 people were hanged, but they were all innocent

The Salem Witch Trial occurred in what Year?


How was Bridget bishop killed in the Salem witch trial?

she was hung

Who is on trial when Giles Corey interrupts the court?

Martha Corey is on trial. She was put on trial in Salem, Massachusetts as part of the infamous Salem Witch Trials of the 1600s.

What did they do to kill the witches of the Salem witch trial?

19 persons convicted of witchcraft were hanged by the neck until dead. One person believed to be a witch was crushed to death by having stones put on his body until he died. None of the people who were convicted were witch's. One of the "afflicted girls" admitted years later it was all a hoax for attention and power.