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Q: Who was Hercules enemy?
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Who is Hercules goddess enemy?


Why was hera's enemy Hercules?

Hera hated Hercules because Zeus, her husband, had Hercules with another woman.

What is the name of Hercules goddess enemy?


Who was hercules goddess enemy?

i think it was his stepmother Hera.

Who was trying to stop Hercules?

Hercules' main enemy is Hades, who tries to fault his existence since birth.

Who are Hera's rival's?

Minerva or Athena, Artemis, Venus, Echo, and the Mother of Hercules. The mother of Hercules was an enemy because Zeus was fooling around with her and Hera got mad. So, she killed her and tryed to kill Hercules to .

What are Hercules' important qualities?

how strong he was and how he controlled the world

Why does Hercules have guilt issues?

Hercules was a huge enemy of the goddess Hera, as he was the son of Zeus by another woman (Alcmena). Therefore, once, she sent a bout of madness upon him, and he killed his wife, Megara, and his children. When it was over, Hercules was horrified, and felt very guilty.

Did Hercules have enemies?

Hera, the Queen of Gods, was one, because she was made at Zeus for making a child with diffrent mortals.When Hercules was born under a different wife, she dorve him insane and made him kill his wife wife and children

Where is the Hercules Library in Hercules located?

The address of the Hercules Library is: 109 Civic Dr., Hercules, 94547 1771