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Philip 2, king of Macedonia. He was Alexander the great, not the Greek. And he was a Macedonian, not a Greek.

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Q: Who was Alexander the Greek the son of?
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Which Greek conqueror from Macedonia was son of Phillip the Second?

Alexander the Great.

Alexander the Great's religoin?

Alexander the Great was the king of Greek kingdom of Macedon. He was son King Philip II. He followed the Greek polytheism religion.

Who was the leader of Macedonia who united the Greek city-states and brought peace to Greece?

Philip II and his son, Alexander the great.

Was Alexander the great Hercules son?

No, he was not. Alexander the Great was the son of Philip II of Macedon and Olympias, a princess of the ancient Greek country of Epirus. It was claimed by ancient historians that Hercules was an ancestor of Alexander's through his father's side, and during his reign Alexander did identify himself with Hercules, often depicting himself as the Greek hero on coins.

Who became king of Macedonia after Philip?

Alexander the Great took up the throne of the Greek kingdom of Macedonia because he was King Philip's II son.

Who was King Philip II of Macedonia's son?

Alexander III of the ancient Greek kingdom of Macedonia also known as Alexander the Great.

Was Alexander an atheist?

If you mean Alexander the Great, then no - he live in the period of classical Greek gods and according to some reports, believed himself to be the son of Zeus.

Was Alexander the Great roman or greek?

Alexander the great was Greek.

Man who taught Alexander the Great?

Aristotle, who was a Greek philosopher. Aristotle was a protege to Plato, whose mentor was Socrates. These three great thinkers were all Greek, and that is the reason why Alexander the Great loved Greek Culture so much. (He was Macedonian.) That's a common misconception about Alexander. People think that he was Greek; he was not. Alexander was a Macedonian prince, son of Phillip II, and he was influenced by Aristotle.

What is the meaning of the name sanders?

boy's name is a variant of Alexander (Greek) and Sanders (Middle English), and the meaning of Saunders is "man's defender, warrior; son of Alexander".

Who conquered all of Greek?

Philip II of Macedonia and his son Alexander the Great invaded the northern border of Greece

How was Alexander the great son?

Alexander the Greats son was Alexander IV of Macedon