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Rachel Lillis plays the voice of Misty and Jessie from season 1 to 8 then Michele Knotz replaces her for season 9

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

Misty has been voiced by two voice-actors : Rachael Lillis (anime , season 1-8 , 1998-2006) and Michele Knotz (anime, 2006) .

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Q: Who voices misty in Pokemon?
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Who plays Brock and Ash and Misty in Pokemon?

Your question is about their voices? See the attached links.

Who does the voice of Misty and her Pokemon?

Rachael Lillis and Michele Knotz provided the voices of Misty. Rachael Lillis provided the voices of Misty's Goldeen, Luvdisc and Corsola, Poliwag and Horsea, Shin'ichiro Miki did the voice of Staryu, Ikue Ohtani did the voice of Starmie, Michael Haigney did the voice of Psyduck, Eric Stuart provided the voices of Poliwhirl and Politoed, Unsho Ishizua did the voice of Gyarados and Kayzie Rogers did the voice of Azurill.

How can you be misty on pokemon emerald?

misty is not on emerald

What episode does Misty meet dawn in Pokemon?

there no Pokemon episode when misty meet dawn

How long was Misty in Pokemon?

misty was for 22 episodes

Who is the perfect female character for Pokemon?

Pokemon was a great show in 1998 and 1999. I'd say the perfect female character for Pokemon is Misty. In my opinion, Misty was cute. Misty was one of the best characters in Pokemon. Misty and Ash totally belong together.

Who is misty in Pokemon?

Misty is the gym leader of Cerulean City.

Misty back in Pokemon Platinum?

No, since Misty chose to stay back in Kanto, she will not be in Pokemon Platinum.

Do you miss the original Pokemon?

I miss the original Pokemon with Ash, Misty, and Brock. Pokemon used to be amazing, and now it's changed over the years. I really miss the original Pokemon. I love Misty and I miss Misty. Pokemon used to be awesome. The new Pokemon is just not the same. I miss the old Pokemon adventures with Misty and Ash. Misty and Ash need to back together again. IT would be awesome if CN brings back the original Pokemon with Ash, Misty, and Brock for some reruns.

In which Pokemon episode ash see misty back?

I don't know?However Misty hasn't been with Ash in any new episodes lately.I wish Misty was with Ash again.I can see pictures of Ash and Misty in love at the internet.I can see Misty in reran Pokemon episodes such as Pokemon I Choose You, Bulbasaur and the Hidden Village, Charmander the Stray Pokemon, and Here Comes the Squirtle Squad.I can also see Misty in old Pokemon movies such as Pokemon the First Movie, Pokemon the Movie 2000, and Pokemon 3 the Movie.

Is Misty Pikachu?

no....Misty is not a pokemon....She's the friend of Ash and Brock

What is misty Japan name in Pokemon?

Misty's name in Japan is Kasumi.