Audrey hepburn and george peppard both starred in breakfast at tiffanys Audrey hepburn and george peppard both starred in breakfast at tiffanys
Blake Edwards.
Holly Golightly.
There was a movie called Breakfast at Tiffany's in 1961. The song by Deep Blue Something was a hit in 1995. It used the name of the movie, but it was inspired by another of Audrey Hepburn's movies called Roman Holiday.
No. Audrey Hepburn had an upper class, east coast accent. It does sound faintly British at times.
It would have been either Jerry Butler or Andy Williams
Audrey hepburn and george peppard both starred in breakfast at tiffanys Audrey hepburn and george peppard both starred in breakfast at tiffanys
Blake Edwards.
She was 31 when she starred in Breakfast at Tiffany's
Breakfast at Tiffanys
Holly Golightly.
Aburn Hepburn plays her
Yes; it will be protected through 2053.
Originally Sung by Audrey Hepburn for the 1961 film Breakfast at Tiffanys that won an Academy Award for Best Original Song. Written by Johnny Mercer & Henry Mancini "Lyrics"
Audrey Hepburn.
Audrey Hepburn played the main character Holly Golightly
There was a movie called Breakfast at Tiffany's in 1961. The song by Deep Blue Something was a hit in 1995. It used the name of the movie, but it was inspired by another of Audrey Hepburn's movies called Roman Holiday.