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In 1959 was the Treaty of Antarctica, which was developed by the United Nations and with the help of 12 other countries: Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Chile, France, Japan, New Zealand, Norway, South Africa, Russia, United Kingdom and the United States of America. That treaty was developed when people started to show interest in Antarctica. Scientists, environmentalists and others realized that something had to be done to protect Antarctica from farms and damage. The concept used for the creation of the treaty was sure that the countries used to Antarctica only for peaceful purposes and not military bases. Other countries have signed the treaty later. Another organization created specifically to take care of Antarctica was the Convention on the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR), which was created in 1982 to ensure that the marine life of Antarctica is protected and that holdings in animals would never happen.

Other environmental organizations that have been caring Antarctica include Sea Shepherd and Greenpeace.


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11y ago
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13y ago

Antarctica is covered by The Antarctic Treaty, which covers governance of planet earth south of 60 degrees South Latitude.

When you want to learn more about The Antarctic Treaty, you can follow the link, below.

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13y ago

In 1959, the Antarctic Treaty was signed by 12 nations, not only to protect the continent and its environment, but also to ensure that it remains demilitarised.

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9y ago

All land surface south of 60 degrees S is protected by the Antarctic Treaty. The treaty has been signed by governments representing about 80% of the earth's population.

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15y ago

In 1959, the Antarctic Treaty was signed by 12 nations, not only to protect the continent and its environment, but also to ensure that it remains demilitarised.

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9y ago

Yes, Antarctica is protected by the Antarctic Treaty, which protects all of planet earth south of 60 degrees South Latitude.

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16y ago

Some charities help protect Antarctica.

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12y ago

Nothing. They Just Live

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Q: What protects Antarctica?
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What are the laws protecting antarctica?

The Antarctic Treaty protects Antarctica.

What protects animals in Antarctica?

The Antarctic Treaty System

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People wear a balaclava in Antarctica for the same reason they wear it anywhere: it protects the face from the damage of extreme cold.

What was the treaty for antarctica called?

The Antarctic Treaty protects Antarctica and everything else on planet earth south of 60 degrees South Latitude.

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There are no houses in Antarctica; there's no need for them. Lately, the smartest buildings in Antarctica are built on stilts. This protects them from wind-blown ice mounting on one side of the building.

Antarctica is protected by an international agreement called the?

The Antarctic Treaty protects Antarctica and everything else on planet earth south of 60 degrees South Latitude.

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Why is a thin ozone layer over Antarctica of particular concerns to scientist?

Scientists working and living temporarily in Antarctica study the health of planet earth. The ozone layer protects the earth from damaging rays of the sun. The depletion of that layer can affect the health of planet earth.

How has a penguin adapted to the Antarctic?

Antarctica waters are the natural habitat for this sea bird. Under their feathers, there is a substantial fat layer that protects the animal's internal organs from extreme cold.

Which counties fish the Antarctic waters?

There is no private or commercial fishing allowed south of 60 degrees S, which protects the Southern Ocean -- that surrounds Antarctica -- from fishing. This is per the Antarctic Treaty.

How are animals' bodies built to survive the cold in Antarctica?

Sea birds and sea mammals that breed on Antarctica's beaches all possess a layer of fat or blubber near the surface of their skins, which protects them from the extreme cold weather. Note that no animal lives on the Antarctic continent: it's too cold and there is no food chain.

How do snow petrels breed in Antarctica?

Snow petrel is the southern-most breeding bird, because it breeds on the Antarctic continent. It does not live there. It's food chain is in the sea, which is true of all the animals that breed on Antarctica's beaches.