Clarisse is in the next movie the Sea of Monsters because she plays a very big part in The Sea of Monsters. She has her own quest. Bridgit Mendler plays Clarisse.
Where did you read that bridget mendler was cast? she cant act and she doesnt even look the part. I recently went to a place where rick riordan THE BOOK AUTHOR was talking and he said theyre two front runners for the part that are newcomers to the acting world. He says its harder to find a good fit with the cast because of all the differences.
The part is not cast yet.
it has been cast for Leven Rambin from The Hunger Games (Glimmer) will play Clarisse.
I believe it has because the movie is in post-production. It might just be that they haven't announced it yet. You can check for Percy Jackson movie updates at Oddly enough, there is no Clarisse in the movie. However they have Silena Beauraguard who isn't mentioned until the 2nd book. The director ( Chris Colombus ) said in an interview that he wanted to mix the chacter of Clarrise in with the Annabeth character.
Clarisse is a girl in Percy Jackson. She is the daughter of Ares. She and Percy have a cold relationship.
First, Nancy, then Clarisse, then Luke.
Clarisse La Rue
Leven Rambin
Clarisse is a girl in Percy Jackson. She is the daughter of Ares. She and Percy have a cold relationship.
First, Nancy, then Clarisse, then Luke.
It has not yet been confirmed who will be playing Clarisse in Percy Jackson, as she was not cast in the Lightning Thief. two people who havent been in anything are the front runners.
Clarisse La Rue
Leven Rambin
Percy describes her as aish shiva:stupid, ugly, and uber dumb
Ares is the God of War in Greek mythology and in the Percy Jackson books. Ares is also Clarisse's dad in the Percy Jackson books
Clarisse does go to school during the fall. In the short story in the Demigod files Percy Jackson finds her at school.
Clarisse De Rue is her full name.
The actor Logan Lerman plays Percy Jackson in Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Lightning Thief.