The stadium was named due to its location at the confluence of the Allegheny River and Monongahela River, which forms the Ohio River.
It is the highest point in Ohio rivers north of it flow into Lake Erie Rivers South of it flow into the Ohio River.
It is in South Western Pennsylvania, near the Ohio and West Virginia borders.Pittsburg is in PA. There is also a city named Pittsburg in California, located in the Bay Area.PennsylvaniaPennsylvania on the Allegheny Plateau at the point where the Monongahela and the Allegheny Rivers join to create the Ohio River.PennsylvaniaIn western Pennsylvania at the confluence of the Ohio, Allegheney and Monongohela Rivers.
The confluence of the Alleghaney and Monogahela Rivers form the Ohio River at Point State Park in Pittsburgh. Thus the three rivers that "come together" at that point are the Ohio, Allegahaney and Monogahela.
The two rivers that form the Ohio River are the Alleghenyand Monongahela rivers.
Ohio and Mississippi Rivers
The city of Pittsburgh is located at the confluence of the Monongahela and Allegheny Rivers that create the Ohio River. a survey done in 1769 of the land situated between the two rivers named the area as "The Manor of Pittsburgh".
The Allegheny and Monogahela rivers joinb at Pittsburgh to form the Ohio River.
The state of Ohio has a little over 44,000 miles of rivers and streams. Ohio covers a total of 41,328 square miles.
Missouri, Illinois and Ohio Rivers
Lake Erie and the Ohio River.