All treaties must ratified by the Senate before they take effect.
Approved by the president, ratified by the senate.
The United States Constitution gives the President the power to commit the country to a treaty. However, he needs the approval of two-thirds of the senators for the treaty to take effect.
The Senate must confirm apppointments made by the President.
In the United States, when a bill that has been approved by both Houses of Congress, it is sent to the President. Thus a bill can become a law when the President signs it into law.
The Congress has to agree with treaties. If they don't it cannot be made.
the Senate.
No. He can make and propose a treaty but it must be approved by congress.
The President is supposed to consult with the Senate
All treaties must ratified by the Senate before they take effect.
Approved by the president, ratified by the senate.
the congress must approve
Congress must also consent to the treaty.
2/3 of them must vote
It legally binds the nations that agree to it.