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Q: Who makes the decisions as a totalitarian?
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What is it called when the government makes all decisions?

A totalitarian government

How are decisions made in totalitarian?

There are no rights for people when they have a Dictatorship or tyranny.

How are decisions made in a totalitarian?

You are asking a little bit of three questions here. I will answer all of them.1. Who makes decisions for the totalitarian leader to be chosen?Like other dictatorships, class war is held, and whoever is the "last man standing" is ultimately the chosen dictator.2. Who makes decisions instead of the dictator?The government has to include the dictator in their decision making, or else there's no real dictator here.3. Who makes decisions in a totalitarian community?The dictator decides, for the most part, how people will be paid and what they will do for work. This is the unfair part of dictatorships and communism, because not everyone is paid their fair amount, no matter how hard their job may be.Hope this helps! - M

Was the Soviet Union a dictatorship?

Technically, no. A dictatorship is when one leader makes all decisions without the consent of others. The soviet union was totalitarian, even though they controled lives they still had a representative government

Why is totalitarian often considered to be more efficient at making decisions then a democratic one?

In a totalitarian society one person is in charge. This person is called a dictator and there is no freedom of voting, expression, art, press, or personal decisions. Every thing in the society is controlled. In a democracy it is the opposite. People are allowed to vote, protest, create, and make decisions that are best for them.

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What part of the brain makes decisions?

The front part of the brain makes decisions.

Who makes Cuba's economic decisions?

the government makes all the decisions, he is a dictator

Who makes economic decisions?

the government makes all the decisions, he is a dictator

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who runs the government and makes most decisions

What is the supreme Executive council?

Here is my best attempt, as I am not a political scientist. An executive council is a committee that makes decisions regarding a private company, a public company, or a branch of government. Totalitarian dictatorships notwithstanding. A Supreme Executive Council is an executive council whose decisions are final. For example, Supreme Court appointees for a nation's highest court.

In a unitary and totalitarian system who makes the laws?

A Totalitarian government is not a single base form of government, it is an administrative type of government that requires a base form of government to exist. You can have a, Totalitarian: Dictatorship, Monarchy, Oligarchy, Democracy, etc. but you cannot have a 'free form totalitarian' government as it has no base existence.