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Q: What fruit is in tahitian treat soda?
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Where can I find Pineapple Rock Creek soda?

I believe it's no longer being manufactured. Same for Tahitian Treat (another Rock Creek Soda brand). The only one you'll find that's close to Cherry Smash and Treat is Fruit Punch, sold in most "mom & pop" stores in DC, as well as DC, MD liquor stores

Is tahitian fruit punch juice or pop?

its juice

What fruit is used to make Tahitian Noni juice?

The fruit to make Tahitian Noni juice is the noni fruit itself. It ranges from green to yellow and almost white. It is very energy rich and can, just like grape juice, fight of cancer cells.

Will fruit rot in soda?

Fruit can rot in soda due to the high sugar content creating an environment for bacteria and mold to grow. The acidity of soda can also accelerate the breakdown of fruit, leading to faster rotting. It's best to consume fruit separately from soda to prevent spoilage.

What is Tahitian dancing?

its just called tahitian like example "i dance tahitian"

Is soda a fruit?

Soda is not a fruit. It is usually referring to water that has had carbon dioxide dissolved in it. The gas comes out of the solution and creates fizzy bubbles. It can be added to fruit juice, but most soda or pop is corn syrup and flavoring.

Can baking soda treat hiv?


In Tahitian what does eolanda mean?

eolanda has no meaning in Tahitian.

How is an apple different from an ice cube a can of soda pop a piece of wood and a piece of candy?

An apple is a fruit, ice cube and can of soda pop are forms of water, wood is a natural material, and candy is a sweet treat. Each item has its own unique characteristics and uses.

What does maohi mean in tahitian?

native to Tahiti (as in native Tahitian)

When was Tahitian Noni created?

Tahitian Noni was created in 1996.

What is Tahitian Noni's population?

Tahitian Noni's population is 1,500.