In the Marvel Universe, superhero costumes are typically portrayed as being made by the superheroes themselves or by support staff associated with superhero teams (such as the Avengers) or organizations (such as S.H.I.E.L.D.). Occasionally, some characters with unique skills, like Tony Stark/Iron Man or T'Challa/Black Panther, create specialized suits for themselves or other heroes.
You be creative. Everybody makes there own costumes!
well there is the man that created the marvel magazines ( Stan lee ) and some others.
Wolverine is often considered one of Marvel's most unkillable superheroes due to his powerful healing factor, adamantium skeleton, and fighting skills. His ability to rapidly regenerate from even the most devastating injuries makes him extremely difficult to kill.
Yes, Ghost Rider is a Marvel superhero character. The character has been depicted in various comic book series published by Marvel Comics. The original Ghost Rider persona is Johnny Blaze, who makes a pact with a demon to become a supernatural agent of vengeance.
Hawkeye is super hero with out superpowers like batman but his amazing archery skills makes him a superhero
Marvel Comics as a result of their lucrative film franchises.
Nope. There are many comic books where there aren't superheroes, like "Fables", "Star Wars Insider" and "Dark Horse Comics". Usually it's just DC Comics and Marvel that makes superhero comics, while Dark Horse, Insider and Image makes other comics.
Captain America is a character published by Marvel Comics.
Superman is considered to be the first comic book superhero, created by Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster in 1938. Superman made his debut in "Action Comics" #1, marking the beginning of the superhero genre in comic books.
me, ranold neil fortes =)
The peps in da house of gaga
The Universe is everything . So, Aluminium makes up part of the universe: a tiny fraction of it.