The Wards Western Field Model 46B was made by Mossberg. The model numbers cross-reference show that there were several model numbers for the same rifles depending on who the rifle was manufactured for. The approximate years of manufacture range from 1938 - 1949, depending on configuration of parts, such as sights, trigger guards, stocks etc. This is the best information I have been able to come up with so far. Good luck.
John, From California
The model number of your Wards Western Field.
In 1941
The value of a Wards Western Field model 14-SD206A bolt action 410 shotgun would depend on it's upkeep. The condition would be highly important in determining it's value.
Your .22cal bolt action rifle was made by mossberg.The model number is mossberg model 45A.
your western Field model 770a was made for Montgomery Wards(western Field) by Mossberg.The Mossberg model 472 and your rifle are one and the same.These rifles were made between 1974-1976.
The western field model 15A was made by mossberg.There model designator was the mossberg model 83.
Your Western Field model 46b was made for Montgomery Wards(Western Field) by the company Mossberg and Sons.The mossberg model 42 was made from 1935-1941 as the model 42,42A,42B,and model 42C.the western Field model 46b and the Mossberg model 42 are the same firearm.I hope that you find this informative.
It all depends what model you have. For instance I have a M550AD it is worth about $600. Age also afeects the value. Your best bet is to take it to a gun shop. Mark The Wards Western Field .410 bolt action shotgun's model # is: 15a. It was bought by my Dad in about 1935-1936. Thank you Terry The Wards Western Field .410 bolt action shotgun's model # is: 15a. It was bought by my Dad in about 1935-1936. Thank you Terry
Golden State Arms for Montgomery Wards
Your Western Field model 37 bolt action rifle was made for Montgomery Wards(Western Field) by Mossberg and sons.The Mossberg model 30 and your rifle are one and the same.The Mossberg model 30 single shot .22cal rifle was made from 1933-1935.
Most used Western Field pump guns will bring $100-$250 depending on condition and model/style.
I believe that your wards western field model 85 was made by j stevens arms company.The stevens model 85 and yours are the same rifle.