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Gen. Robert E. Lee-During the Seven Days Battles

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Q: Who kept the Union's General McClellan from taking the Confederate capital?
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Who was the leader of the union in the Battle of Antietam?

The commander of the Unions Army of the Potomac at Antietam was Major General George B. McClellan.

What was the unions confederate capital during the civil war?

Union capital was at Washington DC throughout. Confederate capital was originally at Montgomery, Alabama. Then soon afterwards, it was moved to Richmond, Virginia, which it remained until after Appomattox, when it moved briefly to Danville, Virginia.

What was the capital of the Confederacy during the US Civil War?

Montgomery, Alabama was the capital of the Confederate States of America from February 4 until May 29, 1861. The confederate capital moved to Richmond, Virginia in May 1861. The Confederate government moved to Danville, Virginia in 1865 as Richmond fell to the Federal army.

Why did the northerers leader considere the cature of Richmond to be so important to the unions war efforts?

It was the southerners (confederate's) capital. Weapons, strong army, people.

What was the unions capital during the civil war?

Washington D.C was the unions capital.

The Unions goal in the Peninsular Campaign in March 1862?

The Union began the Peninsular Campaign in March 1862. General-in-Chief McClellan moved his Army of the Potomac from Washington down the Potomac River and Chesapeake Bay to the peninsula south of the Confederate Capital of Richmond, Virginia, before advancing toward Richmond. McClellan planned a giant amphibious operation to capture Yorktown before moving on Richmond from the south. However, the Confederate Merrimack blocked the water route up the James River to Richmond, so McClellan decided to advance up the peninsula between the York and James rivers. By early April 1862 McClellan's forces had been transported by sea to the south end of the peninsula and were ready to take Yorktown. The Confederates had fewer troops than the North so they needed a diversion to keep the Union soldiers from taking Richmond. to capture Richmond, Virgina

What are the main types of unions?

Craft or Occupaton Unions, Industrial and General Unions

What type of contact did generals Lee and McClellan have during the US Civil War?

The situation early in the US Civil War in western Virginia did not involve any direct contact between generals Lee and McClellan.This changed in 1862, during the Peninsula Campaign. Union General George B. McClellan learned that Union prisoners at Confederate POW hospitals were suffering in that the Confederates lacked the proper medicines needed to treat wounded Union troops. There was an exchange of letters between generals Lee and McClellan, where the latter general informed Lee that he would be happy to send to the Confederates any medical supplies required to treat prisoners. Lee replied by letter that he thanked McClellan for the kindness, however, Lee had all the medical supplies required to treat all wounded soldiers, both his and the Unions. The letters were polite and proper.

How many more troops did the unions states have than the confederate?

about 20 more

What was the Unions war goal?

To prevent the succession of the Confederate States.

When was Palestinian General Federation of Trade Unions created?

Palestinian General Federation of Trade Unions was created in 1965.

When was General Federation of Japanese Peasant Unions created?

General Federation of Japanese Peasant Unions was created in 1927.