Robert Waldow (USA) was the tallest human in the world.He was 8 feet and 11.1 inch tall
Kingda Ka
yes it is the worlds tallest skyscaper standing at the top of 828m high 2,717 feet tall building located in Dubai
The world's tallest tree, a redwood named Hyperion, is located in Redwood National Park in California, USA.
The world's tallest black woman is believed to be Rentsenkhorloo "Rentsen" Bud, who stands at 6 feet 9 inches tall.
The tallest building in the world is the Burj Khalifa in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. It stands at a height of 828 meters (2,717 feet) with 163 floors.
The worlds most tallest pyrimids are in Egypt
no, Napal has the tallest mountain which is mount Everest. it is the worlds tallest mountain and immpossible to climb to the top without dying. canda does not have the worlds tallest mountain.
burj Dubai is the tallest skyscraper in the world
Human being .
Apes range from 2 feet (Gibbons) to 8 foot 11 (worlds alltime tallest human).
the worlds tallest human in the world is 8-foot 5-inches and he lives in Podolyantsi,Ukraine-it is Leonid Stadnik Love, World record singer (Hannah Montana) Miley Cyrus
it is emu
IN 2004
a giraffe
no, its in saudi...