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Q: Who is the son of Zeus and leda?
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What is the important history of Pollux?

He was the son of Zeus and Leda. HIs Greek name was Polydeukes.

Who did Zeus trick by turning into a swan?

Hera (>^.^)>

How did Zeus son Castor die?

Castor, the son of Zeus and Leda, was mortal while his twin brother, Pollux, was immortal. Castor was killed in a battle, while Pollux, devastated by his brother's death, asked Zeus to let them share their immortality. As a result, Zeus placed them both in the sky as the constellation Gemini.

In what form did Zeus appear to Leda?

A swan

Who did Zeus turn into a swan maiden?


Who was the pretty greek maiden who was tricked by Zeus when he changed into a swan?

The pretty Greek maiden who was tricked by Zeus when he changed into a swan was Leda. Zeus seduced Leda while disguised as a swan, resulting in her giving birth to both Helen of Troy and Polydeuces (Pollux).

How the relationship of Leda and the Swan?

The Swan was a transformed Zeus.

In what form did Zeus come o leda?

Zeus came to Leda in the form of a swan in Greek mythology, seducing her and resulting in the birth of Helen of Troy and Pollux.

Was Zeus Helen of Troy's father?

Yes. Her mother is either Nemesis or Leda, but her father is Zeus.

Who was the Greek maiden tricked by Zeus when he changed her into a swan?

In Greek mythology, Zeus tricked Leda, a Spartan queen, by disguising himself as a swan and seducing her. As a result of their union, Leda bore both Helen of Troy and Pollux among others.

Queen of Sparta and the mother of Zeus form of a swan?


Who was the Greek lady Zeus tricked by turning int a swan?

The Greek lady was Leda. Zeus transformed into a swan to seduce her. As a result of this encounter, Leda gave birth to Helen of Troy and Pollux, both of whom were considered mythological figures.