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Her name is Maria

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Q: Who is the main character of the sound of music?
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What does the term timbre in music?

The character or quality of a musical sound or voice as distinct from its pitch and intensity.

Who are the two characters in The Sound of Music?

The two main characters in The Sound of Music are Maria Rainer and Captain Georg Von Trapp, played by Julie Andrews and Christopher Plummer.

Is Gretl the youngest in the movie The Sound of Music?

Yes, Gretl is the youngest character in the movie 'The Sound of Music'. When she in first introduced to Maria, she announces that she is five years old by holding out the fingers on one hand.

Sound of music heroine?

The Lead female character was Maria Von Trapp, best known on stage version played by Mary Martin.

Would Apocalyptica sound better on a real guitar?

I highly doubt it. The main reason I like Apocalyptica is their unique sound. If you play their music on guitars, it will revert back to the common rock music we hear everyday... but if you like that type of sound, I guess yeah, it could be better.

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There are none.

Who is the main characters of the sound of music?

Her name is Maria

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The Sound of Music

What is the definition of accompaniment?

Accompaniment is music additional to the main sound.

What was the surname of the family who employed 'Juile Andrews' character in 'The Sound Of Music'?

von Trapp

What was Julie Andrews role in sound of music?

Maria Von Trapp, the lead character, for all intensive purposes.

What does the term timbre in music?

The character or quality of a musical sound or voice as distinct from its pitch and intensity.

Who is the main character in the story of the singa?

The main character in the story of the singer is usually the singer themselves, focusing on their journey, experiences, and struggles in the music industry or personal life.

Who are the two characters in The Sound of Music?

The two main characters in The Sound of Music are Maria Rainer and Captain Georg Von Trapp, played by Julie Andrews and Christopher Plummer.

Is Gretl the youngest in the movie The Sound of Music?

Yes, Gretl is the youngest character in the movie 'The Sound of Music'. When she in first introduced to Maria, she announces that she is five years old by holding out the fingers on one hand.

What is Julie Andrews Vocal Range?

Yes. She is a soprano singer, and a very good one at that!

How do you make an entertaining beginning and elaborative detailed sentence?

You need a action- Put The Main character in the setting doing something intresting and relevant Dialouge- Have the main character say something that expresses a feeling A Thought Or A Question- show what the main character is thinking or feeling A Sound- A story relevant sound effect or a desricription It took me 5 minutes to write this. Hope it helps.