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France has not king or queen, the last name queen was maria antonieta. she was beheaded in 1793. france is now a republic and therefore has a president instead of a king and queen. The current president is Nicolas Sarkozy and he is married to Carla Bruni (his third wife!).

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12y ago
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6y ago

France does not have a queen. Marie Antoinette was the last queen of France and that was in 1792.

France is not a monarchy and therefore does not have a King and Queen. France is a republic and has a president, Nicolas Sarcozy. France used to be a monarchy, but during the French Revolution the French killed their last King and Queen (Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette) because at that time France was bankrupt and the people were starving. They blamed it all on their King and Queen, which was not fair. Though, the revolutionists wanted France to become a republic so the bourgeoisie could reign alongside their president. In the monarchy France used to be, this was not the case, and the King had the only right to reign the way he saw fit (an absolutist monarchy).

France is not a monarchy and therefore does not have a King and Queen. France is a republic and has a president,

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14y ago

France is not a monarchy and therefore does not have a King and Queen. France is a republic and has a president, Nicolas Sarcozy. France used to be a monarchy, but during the French Revolution the French killed their last King and Queen (Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette) because at that time France was bankrupt and the people were starving. They blamed it all on their King and Queen, which was not fair. Though, the revolutionists wanted France to become a republic so the bourgeoisie could reign alongside their president. In the monarchy France used to be, this was not the case, and the King had the only right to reign the way he saw fit.

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11y ago

Some years after the Revolution and the execution of Loius XVI,* Napolean I declared himself Emperor. He reigned for more than ten years and then the younger brother of Louis XVI, Louis 18th, ruled for a short time. Napoleon I returned to power again for about 100 days followed by Louis XVIII again who reigned for 10 years, followed by his brother Charles X, the younger brother of Louis XVIII (died August 2nd 1830).

Louis-Phillipe I was next (Sixth generation descendant of Louis XIII in the male line and fifth cousin of Louis XVI, Louis XVIII and Charles X) followed by the nephew of Napolean I, Napoleon III. The monarchy was then abolished after the reign of Napolean III. His son, Louis Napoleon, Prince Imperial was a claimant to the throne, he died in battle in Africa which destroyed the hopes of many that the Bonaparte dynasty might once again rule France.

There are many royal/aristocratic French families still remaining with Royal connections, including the House of Bonaparte, of which the Head is Jean-Christophe, Prince Napoleon. If the French monarchy were to be restored, it would not be difficult to find an heir, even the English royal family have a claim. The Dukes of Beaufort are directly descended in the male line to the House of Plantagenet and thus the throne of France.

(*During the time that the Monarcy was abolished, Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette's son, Louis XVII was placed as the de jure successor and heir but was not a reigning monarchy)

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10y ago

France does not have a monarch. It is a republic. It has a president. Currently, in May 2014, the president of France is Francois Hollande.

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15y ago

France has no monarchy, they were deposed in the rather bloody revolution.

France is no longer a monarchy, meaning it has no queen

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15y ago

There is no french King

France has been a Republic for almost 250 years.

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