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The first welder is John Doe.

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Q: Who is the first welder in the world?
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Who invented the first welder?

Nikolia Benardos and Stanislaw

Who is the first African American welder?

sean shaw born 1992

What is the principle of electric welding?

the basic principle of welding is 1. first we have some broken material 2. a welder 3. welder should know how to weld

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Can a welder be promoted?

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How do you unthaw frozen water main pipes under a driveway?

first you have to get someone with a portable welder commerical grade, attach the leads to the pipe , the welder guy should know how to do this , turn on the welder and the current will heat the pipe enough to thaw the pipe,

What is the life expectancy of a welder?

The life expectancy of a welder is their exsperince, faith & way of life. No job takes life faster than others, god determines this only. You can be the safest welder in the world but, a tree could still be blown by the wind which falls right on the safest!

Is TIG Welder is also considered as Co2 welder?

No , although Co2 may be used , along with other gasses , a welder using this process is not considered a Co2 welder . TIG stands for tungsten Inert Gas , so the welder is considered / called a TIG Welder.

What is another name for the wire welder?

Another name for a wire welder is a MIG welder, which stands for Metal Inert Gas welding.

What is a sp weld?

SP welder means Structural purpose welder.

What are the dimensions of a spot welder?

Spot welder dimensions may vary depending on the make or brand of welder. The average dimensions of a spot welder are approximately 170 x 460 x 350 mm.

If Three welder's are welding on one test coupon different filler wire and different welding processes after radiography one welder has failed.what about other welder he also will fails or not?

The other welder will also fail.