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That's kind of obvious considering one the most powerful dark wizard of all time and one is the deputy headmistress. Dumbledore was the only one Voldemort ever feared, McGonagall wouldn't stand a chance.

I agree that Voldemort would defeat McGonagall, but i disagree on the "wouldn't stand a chance against him." McGonagall is an extremely powerful witch and i think it would be difficult for voldemort to kill her, as she is capable of putting up a good fight against him. As shown in the deathly hallows Voldemort was unable to defeat McGonagall kingsley and slughorn, But the three weren't able to defeat Voldemort either.

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13y ago

In a fair duel, the is not a chance that Bellatrix would win, Minerva is a superior witch with great skill and is in all honestly probably the most powerful witch in the whole of the Harry Potter series, however, there is no way that Bellatrix would fight fair. Bellatrix would stoop to any low using any and all dark magic to achieve her goal and would probably taunt Minerva until she was too angry to fight properly. Plus, in any setting, Bellatrix would probably shoot spells at innocent bystanders and I don't believe Minerva would be able to let them hit and would give herself up to protect others.

in a fair duel- Minerva

in reality- Bellatrix

McGonagall would win either way,Remember she can transfigure her suits of armor to protect the bystanders...Knowing McGonagall, i think she will make the fight fair even if bellatrix didnt want to...Man who knew transfiguration could come in handy...and i bet McGonagall could use the dark arts also, its just that she is all about rules as seen in Deathly Hallows.

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13y ago

Proffeser mcGonagall vs Bellatrix Letstrange. Definatly Mcgonagall. Voldemort vs Dumbledore well it would be a tie because Dumbledore is old and is weaker then what he used to be. But Voldemort is said to be feared of Dumbledore so if Dumbledore was younger Dumbledore would win.

After McGonagall beats Bellatrix she will help dumbledore defeat Voldemort. So Dumbledore and McGonagall all the way!

Neither. It would depend on luck. They are all evenly matched supposidly that is that Voldemort duelled Dumbledore and Minerva duelled Bellatrix.

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13y ago

I would guess Minerva McGonagall is more powerful simply because she is not a dark Wizard. Bellatrix cannot function as well without using the Cruciatus Curse, with which she drove Frank and Alice Longbottom insane. She is well known for using this particular spell.

That is about belief. I do believe that they are evenly match as the question asks which is more powerful not which is the better witch and the spells you use do not determand your power. However we are told that Bella is an extemly talented dueller, not unlike Voldemort. But we do know that McGonagall is powerful as well. I do believe that McGonagall uses an Unforgivable in the final battle however I cannot rememeber...

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14y ago

This answer may be biased because i live Mcgonagall, but i think Mcgonagall would win. She is just so awesome and way better then Umbridge in so many ways; so I'd have to say Minerva Mcgonagall would win. :)

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13y ago

Definitely Minerva McGonagall. Even though Alecto Carrow has learnt many dark skills from Voldemort, she isn't that clever, and Minerva McGonagall is wiser, cleverer, and knows more spells than Alecto Carrow.

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12y ago

I think Harry would win because he's had so much experience in defense and Hermione reads about defense but she doesn't have a lot of experience.

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14y ago

Well aside from the fact that they would never fight each other as they are on the same side it's hard to tell because we don't know much about Amelia but it would most likely be McGongall.

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12y ago

personally Minerva Mcgonagall.

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Kyleeonna Smith

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what are the weknesses of minerva mcgarnogall

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Q: Who is a more powerful witch Minerva McGonagall or Bellatrix Lestrange?
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Professor Minerva McGonagall's full name is Minerva McGonagall.

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Minerva McGonagall turns into a cat. She is an Animagus who can transform into a tabby cat at will.

What is McGonagall's full name?

Just Minerva McGonagall. As far as I know, no additional name has been given in the books.

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Yes she was.

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Minerva McGongall is Scottish and has a Scottish accent.

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