intelligence as with intelligence even with little work can bring awesome results....
Argon is better. Helium can't compare to it, not in terms of cost, usefullness, availability, personality, attractive appearance, intelligence, or ambition.
No, intelligence is not fixed at birth. While genetics can play a role in determining intellectual potential, external factors like education, environment, and experiences also significantly influence intelligence. With learning, practice, and exposure to new information, individuals can increase their cognitive abilities and intelligence over time.
It depends on how hard you work(ed) on it.
Intelligence allows a creature to adapt to changing environments, problem-solve, and learn from past experiences, increasing its chances of finding food, avoiding predators, and successfully reproducing. This ability to make informed decisions and strategize can provide a significant advantage in the struggle for survival.
Enzymes do not necessarily work better on smaller or larger foods. Enzymes work better when food is broken up or chewed and the enzymes are allowed to circulate freely around the food.
Is it? Well, intelligence can get you a job, which can get you money. But money can't get you intelligence.
usually smart work is boooooring, but hard work is exhausting. I like better hard work.
Someone once said success is 10% inspiration and 90% perspiration. Both are needed
If it is true, then you're just a lucky dude. It would be even better luck if you have good character and intelligence. Good luck beats hard work and preparation all of the time.
Cardiology is very interesting subject and is not at all hard to study. As such you do not need much intelligence to study the medical science. It takes, rather hard work and is worth it. By the way, if you find some thing interesting, that is not hard to study. This is called as emotional intelligence.
If it is true, then you're just a lucky dude. It would be even better luck if you have good character and intelligence. Good luck beats hard work and preparation all of the time.
Those who believe that luck is some magical unfolding of events will be in for a rude surprise. If they ignore hard work and intelligence, then they are not going to have any good luck. Our life depends on our actions, both hard work and smart work but beyond hard work and smart work, there is a power call the 4th factor. We human beings are responsible for our actions, but we are not in control of the fruit of actions. The fruit of actions is in the hands of the Divine and this normally unfolds as our Karma, the Law of Action and Reaction, what you give is what you get. Let us realize the Truth and not only work hard with our intelligence, but surrender to the Divine, transcending Karma and attaining the ultimate goal, realizing we are the Soul.
It's because of their strength, loyalty, intelligence, and hard work.
Formal work is better because the income is good and the work is comfortable, like in offices. People do not have to work hard.
we work better under exam conditions.
Work Hard. its that simple.
Hard work will probably win out over talent in the long run. Coupling talent and hard work will usually result in an unbeatable combination.