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Actually, both are very great characters in their own respective way.
Kuran Kaname may be the person who has suffered for so long while trying to protect Yuuki, but DON'T forget that Zero always suffered because Yuuki never loved him back. Adding the fact he has to continously bear the fact that he's a vampire now. As for Kaname, he temporarily used Ruka as his 'mistress' while Yuuki was still growing up. When she was old enough and the time was right, he'd just 'push' Ruka aside and go for Yuuki only.

If you truly love someone, you should let them go and be free. When they come back to you, they were always yours. And when they don't, they never were yours.
Zero let Yuuki go with Kaname, because he loved her and wanted her to be happy. Kaname was always very possessive of Yuuki.

And to say the least: Zero doesn't need a bunch of screaming girls and a vampire gang to prove that he's hot. He can prove his smexiness without all of those ;)

Conclusion: I wouldn't call Kaname the best, but ZERO KIRYUU DEFINITELY IS THE BEST!! Just like a TRUE VAMPIRE KNIGHT!!!

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15y ago
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15y ago

Yuki actually loves Kaname more because when her vampire memories woke up she noticed they were all filled with Kaname and when she was human half of her mind was still filled with him so without a doubt she loves Kaname more

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13y ago

Unfortunately for all the Yuuki+Zero=Love fans (for jesus' sake, I'm one!) Yuuki chooses Kaname Kuran-senpai.

Actually, in the first Vampire Knight Guilty Episode, where Zero nearly kisses Yuuki, I was one hundred percent ecstatic, yet in the first season of Vampire Knight I was about to fall off my chair when Zero and Yuuki attended the Dance and Kaname-senpai sent her a dress and danced with her. I'm so lost!!! I'm disappointed that Yuuki chose Kaname (even though they're siblings, which is PRETTY awkward if you ask me) and I feel so bad for Zero I think I might CRY!!!!!!!

-Actually Yuuki and Kaname are not really siblings...if u bothered to read the vampire knight volumes and I think she should hav ended up with Zero..but I'm ok with her and Kaname

But on a episode it said that the trust for blood can be quenched by only a loved one. So if Kaname goes off and is evil/eventually die, yuki will be left with zero. It would be the only way she could live on, also zero loves her secretly as well. he just won't tell her.

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Ok now yuki will marry kaname her ''brother but what happens to zero?

Actually kaname is NOT Yuki brother, because he died long time ago,so then he reborn again, (I don't know why), but they HAVE to get married because if they are purebloods and are brother and sister they have to get married and as for zero and his brother, they probably apologize about what they did in the past and start over again. P.S. Yori and Zero MIGHT be a couple! P.P.S. Zero can't be with yuki since he wanted to kill all purebloods and if there is a season three he MIGHT fight with yuki. P.P.P.S. yuki and kaname suits each other, not zero so I want yuki to be with kaname not anyone else, SO don't EVER separate yuki and kaname from each other.

Does aki end up with yusei?

If you're asking about the anime series Vampire Knight,then Yuki ends up with Kuran Kaname.However, that's the anime. The anime stops after season 2, when Rido is defeated; however, they discontinued the anime. The MANGA is still in progress, and we don't know if Yuuki leaves Kaname for Zero or not, which is a possibility, because she does love him. The cynic in me says that it's unbelievably unlikely for her to choose Zero over Kaname (despite the fact that she and Zero are better suited for each other - Kaname is the easier choice, which is why, I believe, she goes with him in the first place), unless Kaname dies, which I think is also very probable. Typically, the human brain is all about self-preservation - it will go with what's easiest, to prevent being hurt, even if it's futile. It will ignore the heart, and choose the easier solution, rather than the harder one, no matter how wonderful the ending of the harder solution may seem. This is assuming that the author is going for realism, of course.

Who does kaname kuran get with?

well at first no one but it did say that when yuki was little that them 2 will be fiancee and that and also yuki dumps zero on that way and kananme changes yuki into a vampire and them leave of together

Are kaname and yuuki really siblings?

Well, honey, in the world of "Vampire Knight," Kaname and Yuuki are raised as siblings, but spoiler alert: they're actually cousins. So, technically they're not blood-related siblings, but they do share a complicated family tree. It's a whole messy situation, but hey, that's vampire drama for you.

Does sesshomaru like Kaname from the secret mask?

Sesshomaru may not express feelings of love, but as it was possible for love for kagura it may also be possible for him to love kaname from the secret mask. I hope you mean that one. at the end(spoiler alert) Sesshomaru looked at the sky and Jaken was wondering what he was thinking meaning he could of been thinking about Kaname ina romantic way, maybe even as a friend, or like the relationship he and rin have. Kaname loves Sesshomaru I'm sure, but Their's not a good way to tell if he likes Kaname the same way, so use your imagination for what he feels for her.

Related questions

Does kaname like zero?

Kaname pretends to be nice to Zero because Yukki loves Zero also. Kaname doesn't want her to push away from him so he helps Zero.

Is kaname kuran stronger than zero?

In "Vampire Knight," Kaname Kuran and Zero Kiryu have different strengths and abilities. Kaname is considered to be one of the strongest pureblood vampires, while Zero is a vampire hunter with exceptional combat skills. It ultimately depends on the context and situation as to who may be considered stronger.

Who does yuki like?

Kaname and Zero. But she likes Kaname more, she isn't completely sure about Zero.

Why did yuuki go with kaname instead of zero?

Kaname is Yuki's brother and they are bond to be wed

Does yuuki hate kaname?

She doesn't, she loves kaname, more then her life, and always have, she never hated him, and in "Vampire Knight Guilty" she chooses to be with kaname, instead of Zero. But zero is important to yuuki as well.

Does yuki leave zero?

Yuki does go off with Kaname because Zero thretans to kill her otherwise. Yuki still wants to see Zero, but is unable because Kaname refuses. So, yes, Yuki does leave Zero.

Who do yuki loves more?

well she loves both kaname and zero. but she is IN love with kaname. Yuuki can resolve over her feelings with zero. She is sure she wants to spend the rest of her life with Kaname though. so ya. theirs your answer. hope it helped.

What are opinions on who is more likable between Zero Kiryu and Kaname Kuran from the manga series 'Vampire Knight'?

Kaname Kuran, all the way. he is a bit formal, but Zero just hates everybody. He's way too negative! Kaname, definately.

Who is more attractive to you Kaname or Zero?

I believe Zero is more attractive.kaname! Well i believe Zero is more attractive!!

Does Yuuki love Kaname?

in the beginning she loved him but was to shy to tell him. after that i think she was starting to have a little bit of a crush on zero, but since it was said that kaname was her brother and that they were engaged it changed. at the end of the seires she lefted with kaname.

What happens to Yuuki's weapon in Vampire Knight chapter 41?

im not sure exactly what happens i get my chapters mixed up, but i think depending on which part of the manga your at if its after the vampire ball kaname gives it back to yuuki, if it is when yuuki and kaname go to the kuran house, kaname keeps it, if its when zero gets his power, kaname gets from yuuki im not sure exactly how but one moment yuuki's best friend gives it to her and the next kaname has it. hope i helped! :)

Why does Kaname kill Shizuka?

Kaname kills Shizuka in "Vampire Knight" because Shizuka is a vampire who has caused harm to Kaname's loved ones and is seeking revenge against the Kuran family. Kaname sees Shizuka as a threat to his loved ones and believes that eliminating her is necessary to protect them.