van vicker is married
Van Vicker is an actor who as of 2014 is currently married and not dating. He is married to Adjoa Vicker and is 36 years old.
no bcoz van vicker is married so the answer is no
Van Vicker is married and he has kids so the answer is no
Van Vicker is currently the CEO of Sky Pus Orange Productions. He is married, has four kids, and has a foundation for youth.
Van Vicker's birth name is Joseph van Vicker.
No Van Vicker is Married and has to girls and a boy on the way on the other hand Jackie Appiah is married to another guy and has a baby boy named damien
No i think he married to a non-famous person =============================== No, he is married to Adjoa Vicker.
Van Vicker has 3 children. J'dy Vanette Vicker, Ji-an Vanna Vicker and Joseph Van Vicker the 2nd. Two girls and one boy
Van Vicker is 34 as of 2012.
Van Vicker is 35 years old. He was born on August 1, 1977.
An official fan phone number for Van Vicker is not known at this time.