Settra, also known as Settra the Imperishable, is a fictional character from the Warhammer Fantasy universe. He is a powerful undead ruler of Nehekhara, an ancient civilization based on ancient Egyptian culture within the lore of the game. Settra is known for his ambition, his immense pride, and his ruthless pursuit of power.
Answer1. Teclis - is the best mage 2. Archaon - All around really good, no match for lords, a wizard, a really good general3. Malekith - Similar to Archaon, a much better wizard but can be killed by magic weapons4. Karios Fateweaver - Similar to Teclis but not as good with casting but more durable5. Vlad von Carstein - He does a lot for an undead army and can come back to life6. King Settra - This guy is super hard to kill cause of his armour and 4+ ward7. Grimgor Ironhide - He dishes out as almost as much as a bloodthirster8.Vernable Lord Kroak- Very hard to kill wizard knowing only one devastating spell which he can use any number of times and not be dispelled or irres. force