From the iPhone home screen tap Settings. Then go tap on Notification Center. Scroll down and tap WhatsApp. You can turn the sounds on or off.
Yes, WhatsApp does support Samsung GT-C3222 Chat. It will also work with most mobile operating systems, as long as they are Java-based.
It isn't possible to track who views your Whatsapp status, but if there is a specific person you'd like to block they will no longer be able to see status updates you make.
WhatsApp messenger app has a green logo with telephone.
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No, one can not download whatsapp on a Samsung Omnia i900. The software on the Samsung Omnia i900 will not support whatsapp. There are other devices with software that will support whatsapp.
You cant get whatsapp on a Rio 2, You can only get whatsapp on A windows phone, Android, iPhone, Blackberry and Nokia.
As of 19th February 2014.... Whatsapp is owned by Facebook.
Yes, I guess it can if the WhatsApp owner makes it.
yes. get it from the appworld or download it from the whatsapp website.
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You have to need net data pack to use whatsapp and only use in Andoide Mobile, smart phone. Also you can send anything without any charge. There are free whatsapp, find it here About worldwide free download of Whatsapp and free Whatsapp info
Yes. Davis Cleveland does have a whatsapp application and account.
Mine lg ks360 is not downloading whatsapp
Yes you can download whatsapp from ovi store.