

Who invented the companion star theory?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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Q: Who invented the companion star theory?
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Explosion of companion star of the sun?

Nothing is known about any companion star. There is a "Nemesis hypothesis", according to which there could be one, but no companion has been confirmed.

What is an explosion seen when a white dwarf captures H from a companion star?

When a white dwarf star accretes hydrogen from a companion star, it can trigger a runaway nuclear fusion reaction that causes a sudden and bright increase in brightness called a nova. This explosion is not as powerful as a supernova, and the white dwarf usually survives to potentially experience multiple nova events.

If the sun had a companion star what probably became of it?

It is possible that the Sun had a companion star, and that the two became separated due to interactions of other nearby stars.

What happens to a star when it becomes a giant if it has a close binary companion?

Matter can be transferred from the giant to the companion

Does the star polaris make a revolution around the sun?

No. Nor does any other star, unless there is an unknown companion to our Sun, like the hypothetical "Nemesis".No. Nor does any other star, unless there is an unknown companion to our Sun, like the hypothetical "Nemesis".No. Nor does any other star, unless there is an unknown companion to our Sun, like the hypothetical "Nemesis".No. Nor does any other star, unless there is an unknown companion to our Sun, like the hypothetical "Nemesis".

What do you call two companion stars?

Two companion stars are referred to as a binary star system.

What is the binary star hypothesis?

This hypothesis was proposed by Lyttleon in 1938. Before the formation of planets, the sun had a companion star. Another star approached close to these double stars and dragged the companion star away. A gaseous filament was torn from the companion star and it remained close to the sun.The planets were originated from this gaseous filament in the same way as described in the gaseous tidal hypothesis.

What is binary star hypothesis?

This hypothesis was proposed by Lyttleon in 1938. Before the formation of planets, the sun had a companion star. Another star approached close to these double stars and dragged the companion star away. A gaseous filament was torn from the companion star and it remained close to the sun.The planets were originated from this gaseous filament in the same way as described in the gaseous tidal hypothesis.

How do you color your companion on Star Wars the old republic?

You cannot literally "color" your companion in SWTOR (star wars the old republic), but you can get customizations which are things that you equip on your companion and their physical appearance can be changed, which includes color. If your customization looks ugly, you unequip it on the companion thing on your character sheet. The companion customizations only change physical apperance and do NOT change the stats.

What is the probability that our sun has a companion star?

Very low. Such a companion would have been detected by now, even if only through its gravitational effects.

When was the geocentric theory invented?

The geocentric theory was developed by ancient Greek philosophers, primarily by Ptolemy in the 2nd century AD. This theory posited that the Earth was the center of the universe around which all other celestial bodies revolved.

Why do novae repeat while supernovae do not?

Novae are caused by a thermonuclear explosion on the surface of a white dwarf star in a binary system, which can potentially recur when enough material is accreted from the companion star. In contrast, supernovae are catastrophic explosions that destroy the entire star, making them a one-time event as the star itself is obliterated in the process.