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Carlo Beretta, Giuseppe Mazzetti and Vittorio Valle from Beretta's design team all had a hand in creating the Beretta 92, which is what the M9 is.

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Q: Who invented the berreta m9?
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What year was the berreta m9 made?

The Beretta 92 first entered production in 1975. The M9 variant of the Beretta 92F was adopted in 1985.

What military branches of the United States of America use the Berreta M9 pistol?

All of them

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What handguns were issued in desert storm?

The Army's official sidearm for some years now has been the 9mm Berreta M9.

Who invented the M9 handgun?

It wasn't really "invented" per se, but rather designed. And it was by Beretta.

When was Tomás Berreta born?

Tomás Berreta was born in 1875.

When did Tomás Berreta die?

Tomás Berreta died in 1947.

What caliber is a M9 service pistol?

The M9 is a standard 9mm round. the M9 is actually a .355 caliber

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M9 paper

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What is the original name of Olympia?

Well, i dont know but i know it is a double barrel shot gun made by berreta so call it a berreta double barrel shot gun

Age of berreta 686 serial numbere35751b?

You will have to contact Beretta.