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Q: Who invented high hills?
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Who invented the Hills Hoist?

Lance Hill invented the Hills Hoist in 1945.

When was the Hills hoist invented?

The Hills Hoist clothes drier was invented in 1945.

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When the hills hoist invented?

The Hills Hoist was invented in 1945 by Lance Hill. But Lance Hill wasn't the first to invent the Hills Hoist, in about 1912 Gilbert Toyne, design a rotary Clothes line.

Why was the hills hoist invented?

bob the builder invented it cause he likes building

When was Pascack Hills High School created?

Pascack Hills High School was created in 1965.

When was Druid Hills High School created?

Druid Hills High School was created in 1919.

When was Parsippany Hills High School created?

Parsippany Hills High School was created in 1969.

When was Morris Hills High School created?

Morris Hills High School was created in 1953.

When was Beverly Hills High School created?

Beverly Hills High School was created in 1927.

When was Baulkham Hills High School created?

Baulkham Hills High School was created in 1971.

When was Vernon Hills High School created?

Vernon Hills High School was created in 1999.