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The Germanic tribes . In particular, the Vandals, Sueves, and Burgundians who invaded Gaul in 406. Among these there were The Alans, who were Iranian-speakers, not Germanic. They too were referred to as barbarians, as this term applied to all peoples who lived outside the empire, not just to the Germanics. The Alemanni, Germanics from southern Germany, took advantage of the mentioned invasion to take over northeastern Gaul.

The Germanic peoples who settled in Britannia in waves were the Angles, Saxon, Jutes and Frisians.

These peoples invaded during the Western Roman Empire not after it. Their invasions precipitated its fall.

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14y ago

There were several groups that invaded and set up kingdoms in Britain after the Romans left. The Angles and Saxons gave their names to England and the English in different languages, with some language referring to the English with names based on Saxon. Jutes came from Jutland and landed in Kent. In addition to these were other people who came with them including Frisians and Franks. Later on, Vikings from Norway and Danes also invaded. Finally, the Normans, who were descendants of Vikings living in France, invaded in 1066.

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16y ago

The Angles, the Saxons and the Jutes jutes did

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Angles, Saxons, Jutes, Danes...

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the vikings

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The Romans.

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Q: Who were the tribes that invaded western Europe after the fall of the roman empire?
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Who were the people that invaede rome?

Germanic tribes are the people who invaded the Western Roman Empire.

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Germanic invaders were various tribes from northern Europe who migrated and invaded the Roman Empire during the late antiquity period. These tribes included the Goths, Vandals, Franks, and Visigoths, among others. They played a significant role in the downfall of the Western Roman Empire and the subsequent formation of new kingdoms in Europe.

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He united many of the tribes of central western Europe into a single empire

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The tribes of peoples that invaded Roman territory and helped bring about the fall of the western part of the empire were the Goths (Ostrogoth's and Visigoths) and the Vandals.

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The tribes of peoples that invaded Roman territory and helped bring about the fall of the western part of the empire were the Goths (Ostrogoth's and Visigoths) and the Vandals.

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After the decline of the Roman Empire, Switzerland was invaded by Germanic tribes from the north and west. Some tribes, such as the Alemanni and the Burgundians, who ruled western Switzerland, settled there. Austria was settled in ancient times by various Celtic tribes.

In which century did the Germanic tribes cause the fall of the Western Roman Empire?

The Western Roman empire fell to the Germanic tribes in 476 which was the 5th century of our era.

What were the three tribes that invaded the roman empire between 410 and 476 CE?

germanic, huns and slavs were the three tribes

Why did Germanic's tribes invade the roman empire?

The Germanic peoples who invaded the western part of the Roman Empire where migrating peoples who were looking for new lands to settle in because of a population squeeze in central Europe. The eastern part of the Roman Empire was not affected by these invasions.

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When the western Roman empire collapsed in 476 AD, the unifying force for most of Europe was gone. Along with the loss of the government, much of the engineering abilities and modern amenities were also lost. The Barbarians of Europe did not, for the most part, have the abilities or knowledge to build roads, aqueducts or the other marvels of the Roman Empire, which is why the period immediately after Rome's collapse is often referred to as the "Dark Ages".

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Several Germanic tribes invaded the western part of the Roman Empire to migrate in search of new lands to settle. The Romans were not able to repel these invasions. This started the process of the fall of this part of the empire. The eastern part of the Roman Empire was not affected by these invasions and continued to exist for nearly 1,000 years.