Primarily Irish immigrants from the east cost of the US, and Chinese immigrants from the west. There were other ethnic groups who worked on the railroads, but these were the largest groups.
i dont know please
the pacific railroad act helped fund the building of the railroad and it gave the railroad company land.
Harriet Tubman
the brittish
She helped create it.
i dont know please
Mostly the Americans and the Chinese helped build the first Continental Railroad in 1869.
the pacific railroad act helped fund the building of the railroad and it gave the railroad company land.
The Chinese people helped build the Central Pacific railroad. The Central Pacific railroad was built during 1863 to 1885.
The Indians in Kentuckey
people celebrated when the railroad was complete! :D
The Underground railroad helped many slaves to freedom.
The Transcontinental Railroad helped to connect the East with the West, increased trade between the East and the West, and helped with the growth of the US.
Ex slaves and white people who disagreed with slavery helped.
Harriet Tubman
the brittish